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‘Qué Pasa’ in Immigration: Permanent Status for Salvadorans?; “Arpaio, Obstructionist”

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In the Spanish-language press this morning, the president of El Salvador suggests that after extending Temporary Protected Status for Salvadorans in the U.S. for the seventh time, the federal government might consider giving them a path to permanent status. Meanwhile, La Opinión (Los Angeles) calls out Sheriff Joe Arpaio for obstructing the Department of Justice’s investigation against him while continuing to receive federal funds.

Permanent status for Salvadorans? News agency EFE and La Opinión report that the President of El Salvador, Mauricio Funes, is requesting that the United States consider granting a path to permanent status for Salvadorans who obtained Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for the seventh time when it was last extended for another 18 months in July.

According to Funes, the idea is that:

“as a first step toward (immigration) reform, those who have renewed their TPS for the seventh time could acquire a more permanent form of immigration status. This depends on internal politics and whether Congress is inclined (to pass the measure), but it’s our responsibility to make the effort.”

According to AFP, Funes added:

“it’s necessary that we seek a regionwide commitment across Latin America to deal with the issue of our immigrants. Nobody wants people to emigrate, at any price, from countries that don’t offer them opportunities to stay.”