Arizona’s La Voz writes that representatives of the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office (MCSO) have arrested 141 undocumented immigrants in Arizona in the last 30 days. Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, who announced several days ago that he plans to train 900 of his deputies to perform immigration enforcement exercises on the streets of Phoenix, said the arrests will continue. La Voz publishes statistics about the most recent arrests, including 35 undocumented immigrants arrested during routine traffic stops.
“I will not back down to pressures from the federal government, open-border activists, and politicians who choose to ignore this problem for fear of offending certain groups of people. This illegal immigration problem is serious and has the potential to affect everyone,” Arpaio said in a statement.
A meeting between representatives of the United States and Cuban governments in Havana to discuss immigration dominates the Spanish-language media today. Miami’s El Nuevo Herald runs the headline “Distrust reigns at U.S.-Cuba meeting,” while writes “US and Cuba talk immigration”. Mexican daily La Jornada reveals that Cuban officials and businessmen will meet next month in Cancún to explore options to facilitate travel to Cuba for U.S. citizens.
New York’s El Diario-La Prensa covers a meeting of religious leaders to promote the march to ask for passage of comprehensive immigration reform taking place in Washington on March 21st . Congressman Charlie Rangel (D-NY), who was present at the event, said that this “is the moment to get it right. And we can do it.”