The Spanish-language press continues to focus on Arizona bill SB 1070, which would criminalize undocumented immigrants. Demonstrations for comprehensive reform planned for May 1st and comments from a senator indicating Congress may take up reform next month are also noted.
Arizona bill. A civil-disobedience action yesterday to protest the bill resulted in the arrest of nine college students, as reported in El Diario La Estrella (Dallas), Starmedia and EFE.
Much of the coverage focuses on the reaction of Hispanic members of Congress to SB 1070, and the support it has received from Senator John McCain. EFE’s analysis is titled “With support of anti-immigrant bill, McCain risks defeat at the polls.” Other stories echo Cardinal Roger Mahony’s sentiment:
“I can’t imagine Arizonans now reverting to German Nazi and Russian Communist techniques whereby people are required to turn one another in to the authorities on any suspicion of documentation.”