English (en español al final de la página):
AP: Bilingual Bush talks immigration in Puerto Rico
By Danica Coto
New York Times: In Puerto Rico, Jeb Bush Says He Lives ‘the Immigrant Experience’
By Jeremy Peters
AP: Look Who’s Speaking Spanish: It’s the 2016 Republicans
Washington Post: How Jeb Bush and Ted Cruz are making a play for the Hispanic vote (Wednesday and beyond)
By Jose DelReal
Bloomberg: Here’s the Hispanic Evangelical Pastor Leading His Flock to Jeb Bush
By Michael C. Bender
Washington Times: Scott Walker hits back at WSJ piece criticizing his legal immigration comments
By David Sherfinski
Washington Post: How for-profit prisons have become the biggest lobby no one is talking about
By Michael Cohen
AP: Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders to run for president
By Dave Gram and Ken Thomas
New York Times: Fewer Children Are Entering U.S. Illegally as Mexico Cracks Down
By Randal C. Archibold
AP: Immigrant Removals Continue to Decline Under Obama
Fusion: Federal immigration agent shoots and kills 20-year-old black man in Detroit
By Ted Hesson
Politico: Telemundo gaining on Univision
By Dylan Byers
Salt Lake Tribune (Utah): Bishop Wester: Immigration reform may require reforming ourselves first
By Lee Davidson
NewJersey.Com (New Jersey): Christie says he’ll ‘never’ approve giving drivers licenses to undocumented N.J. residents
By Claude Brodesser-Aker
Miami Herald (Florida): Ex-Miami Rep. Lincoln Diaz-Balart joins Univision News as GOP political analyst
By Patricia Mazzei
NY Daily News (New York): Immigrant advocates praise Cuomo’s record while highlighting DREAM Act problems
By Kenneth Lovett
New York Times (Opinion): Repositioning Scott Walker
By Thomas B. Edsall
Bloomberg View (Opinion): Scott Walker, Labor Market Protectionist
By Noah Smith
The Hill (Op-Ed): GOP can get swing voters
By Dick Morris
USA Today (Op-Ed): Jeb Bush & Mike Huckabee need to talk immigration, education
By Samuel Rodriguez
Huffington Post (Op-Ed): How America’s Immigration Laws Tore My Family Apart For Good
By Rebekah Rodriguez-Lynn
Arizona Republic (Opinion-Arizona): Joe Arpaio: why we shouldn’t elect sheriffs
By Linda Valdez
EFE: El exgobernador Jeb Bush manda un mensaje a favor de la inmigración ordenada
EFE: Jeb Bush dice que un latino puede ser candidato a la presidencia de EE.UU.
Associated Press: Jeb Bush habla sobre inmigración en Puerto Rico
Por Danica Coto
Associated Press: El gobierno de Obama reduce las deportaciones de migrantes
Por Alicia A. Caldwell
Univision.com: Alertan a inmigrantes indocumentados por estafas con programas DACA y DAPA
Por Jorge Cancino
Univision.com: Fallo judicial abre polémica sobre uso de armas de fuego por la Patrulla Fronteriza
Noticiero Univisión: Familia ecuatoriana busca a familiar secuestrado por ‘polleros’
La Opinión: Familias de desaparecidos en la frontera son víctimas de extorsión
Por Zaira Cortes
La Opinión: Comunidad mexicana crece a grandes pasos en Nueva York