New York Times: G.O.P. Aims to Fund Homeland Security While Blocking Obama’s Immigration Plan
By Ashley Parker
National Journal: GOP Readies Plan to Battle Obama on Immigration
By Daniel Newhauser and Rachel Roubein
The Atlantic: Republicans Plot an Immigration Fight
By Russell Berman
Bloomberg: House to Vote to Block Obama Immigration Order by Denying Funds
By Heidi Przybyla
Politico: House GOP to hold DHS funding strategy meeting Friday
By Seung Min Kim
Talking Points Memo: John Boehner Signals Ugly Fight To Stop Obama On Immigration
By Sahil Kapur
The Hill: Approps panel hopes to release DHS spending bill Friday
By Rebecca Shabad
The Hill: GOP lawmaker: Veto on DHS funding bill would harm national security
By Rebecca Shabad
Des Moines Register (Iowa): 2016 watch: Wisconsin’s Scott Walker books Iowa speech
By Jennifer Jacobs
National Journal: Boxer Retirement Provides Overdue Opportunity for Minority Democrats
By Ronald Brownstein
Bloomberg: States Fight Obama’s Claim Immigration Order Is Unreviewable
By Laurel Calkins
Washington Post (Plum Line): After terror attack, GOP rethinks showdown over Homeland Security
By Greg Sargent