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May Day Redux: Pics, Videos and Stories from May 1st

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Guest blogger Rachel LaBruyere, from the Standing FIRM blog.

May 1 march

Friday was an aMAYzing day for me (see what I did there?). Even though I wasn’t in the streets marching with my compañeros, I was here in the office with a bird’s eye view of May Day marches across the country.

I watched as literally thousands of text messages poured in from folks, telling us why they were marching. You can check out some of these messages from my post on Friday. (I didn’t post all of them – but what you see on the post is pretty representative of the tone of the messages).

I received photos, stories, videos and excited phone calls from people on the ground from Los Angeles to New York. It was inspiring to see all of the momentum, energy and diversity of the crowds that gathered in cities everywhere. Even my hometown of Asheville, North Carolina hosted an event – which makes me enormously proud.

Even though I was live-blogging a few of the events, I have since received some great pictures, videos and stories from the day and wanted to share them with folks. But be sure check out my previous posts from Friday – Boston, Newark, NJNew York City; Chicago; Washington, DC and Charlotte, NC.

Keep reading for my May Day Redux!


In Miami, Florida, hundreds of people marched along Biscayne Boulevard through downtown, calling for workers rights and immigration reform.

The Miami march was a truly diverse crowd of people, interested in justice on all fronts – workers rights, immigration reform, and economic equality were the big themes of the day. Its great to see a large group of people who understand why the Employee Free Choice Act and Immigration Reform are not separate issues, but closely linked in the pursuit of justice and economic recovery for the country.

Miami crowd


 Miami crowd