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Immigration Must Reads: Politics, Faith, and the Movement Telling CNN Enough

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Today, Politics Daily captures the push and pull on Democrats and Republicans regarding Latinos and immigration politics, with Simon Rosenberg rightly cautioning Democrats that inaction will not be cost-free:

“The disappointment of Latino voters will be profound” if immigration reform doesn’t happen next year, NDN president Simon Rosenberg, whose group studies the Latino vote, told me. If Obama and his party delay the bill further, or their efforts look half-hearted, he added, “there will be costs. It will not be pain-free.”

The Drop Dobbs campaign heats up as Media Matters, NDN, America’s Voice, and others keep up the pressure.  Democracia Ahora releases their new report outlining Latino leaders’ views that Dobbs has made Hispanic a much harder thing to be in the U.S. The report launches yet another strong effort to hold CNN accountable: TellCNNEnoughisEnough.com.
Mike Lux writes a moving post about his father’s values, welcoming the other, how far we’ve come, and how much we have yet to do.  There’s a Washington Post piece on Salvadorans getting organized nationally, with immigration reform a top priority.  Raul Reyes in USA Today talks about immigration as a red herring in the health care debate (BTW —  we hear some Menendez amendments are looking good regarding immigrants and health care coverage – more detail to follow). And there’s a New York Times survey showing that the US still a strong draw for Mexicans in Mexico.  
Don’t forget to read up on the coverage of CAP event  on the increasingly crucial role faith groups are playing in support of immigration reform.
That’s about it… for now. Stay tuned.