Health care and undocumented immigrants is all the rage since Joe Wilson insulted the President last week. Remarkably, Baucus and the White House have responded by seeming to cave. Today, we have a New York Times piece on the Baucus bill, an excellent summary of what’s happening by Michael Scherer of TIME Magazine, a brilliant fact check by Marshall Fitz at the Center for American Progress, and a Politico piece aptly titled: “Politics trumps policy in health debate.”
And in light of yesterday’s Roll Call advertisement, Spencer S. Hsu of the Washington Post writes a piece on how advocates from America’s Voice, the Southern Poverty Law Center, Media Matters and the National Council of La Raza are hitting at the Federation for American Immigration Reform for its ties to white nationalism.
As we speak, faith leaders are gathering outside the Capitol building with Reps. Jared Polis (D-CO) and Luis Gutierrez (D-IL) to “pray for an ‘end to hateful rhetoric that creates a toxic environment for immigrant families,’” notes the Baltimore Sun Times.
Read ‘em and let me know what you think.