English (en español al final de la página):
The Hill: Trump pulls out of session with Hispanic chamber
By Ben Kamisar
Politico: Hispanic Chamber steamed over a ‘Trump tantrum’
By Eliza Collins
NBC News: Donald Trump Cancels Q&A, Says Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
By Suzanne Gamboa
Politico: Bernie Sanders names Latino outreach director
By Daniel Strauss
The Hill: Biden to announce 2016 decision within days: report
By Bradford Richardson
AP: Hillary Clinton campaign urges North Carolina governor to veto immigration bill
MSNBC: Marco Rubio vs. Jeb Bush: The inevitable GOP showdown arrives
By Steve Benen
Pew Research Center: Contrasting Partisan Perspectives on Campaign 2016
Al Jazeera America: US asylum process discourages applicants despite call to resettle refugees
By Ryan Schuessler
AP: Republican hopeful Carson says no to Syrian refugees in US
By Thomas Beaumont
Washington Post: Suspicious of Syrian refugees coming to the U.S.? Here’s a reality check.
By Janell Ross
Brookings: What Americans really think about the Syrian refugee crisis
By William Galston
AP: Familiar, Divisive Social Issues on Supreme Court Agenda
Politico: 5 cases to watch as Supreme Court term begins
By Josh Gerstein
Vox: 3 years later, the young immigrants Obama protected are feeling less afraid — and more American
By Dara Lind
NPR: Va. Delegate Keam Is Grateful For Changes To 1965 Immigration Act
By Tom Gjelten
NPR: In 1965, A Conservative Tried To Keep America White. His Plan Backfired
By Tom Gjelten
Miami Herald: El Edén in Honduras is no paradise for those on trek to the U.S.
By Tim Padgett
Miami Herald: Some U.S.-funded programs help would-be migrants improve their lives and stay home
By Tim Padgett
Miami Herald: Reform and beefed up police presence is making Hondurans feel safer
By Tim Padgett
Miami Herald: Despair wrought by corruption scandals also drives migration to the U.S.
By Tim Padgett
AP: Arizona Sheriff Insists He Wasn’t Investigating Judge
Houston Chronicle (Texas): Judge weighs birth certificate rules for Texas-born kids of immigrants
By Brian Rosenthal
Charlotte Observer (North Carolina): Most in SC favor citizenship for undocumented immigrants
By Andrew Shain
La Opinion (Editorial): The Day Donald Trump “Chickened out”
Washington Post (Opinion): Trump will lose, or I will eat this column
By Dana Milbank
USA Today (Op-Ed): Trump exploits rational political ignorance
By Illya Somin
Bloomberg View (Opinion): Who Lost White America? These Guys.
By Francis Wilkinson
The Atlantic (Opinion): Donald Trump’s Silent Minority
By David Graham
New York Post (Op-Ed): Trump’s policies are a recipe for American economic decline
By Linda Chavez
Politico Magazine (Opinion): Illegal Immigrants Could Elect Hillary
By Paul Goldman and Mark Rozell
The Atlantic (Opinion): The Flawed Immigration Program Congress Hasn’t Changed
By Alana Semuels
Washington Post (Opinion): Immigrants are not the only victims of immigration restrictions
By Ilya Somin
Huffington Post (Op-Ed): Can the GOP Win Over Asian Americans?
By Taeku Lee
Huffington Post (Op-Ed): Post-Pope and Boehner: Rise of the Latino Vote vs. 5th Circuit Decision and Ultra-Right Agenda
By Rocio Saenz
En español:
Boehner y los “locos” antiinmigrantes de oídos sordos
Por Maribel Hastings
Trump defiende derecho a portar armas tras tiroteo en Oregon
Trump sobre el tiroteo en Oregon: “Son cosas que van a pasar”
Trump defiende derecho a portar armas tras tiroteo en Oregon
Donald Trump cancela un foro en la Cámara de Comercio Hispana (Video)
Piñata Trump como herramienta educativa (Video)
El mundo sería más seguro con Gadafi y Hussein
Hillary Clinton imita a Donald Trump (Video)
Ben Carson: en EEUU podría darse una situación como la de ‘Hitler’
Al Gore habla sobre su carrera política más allá de su lucha por el medio ambiente
Joe Biden no participará en el primer debate demócrata
Crece el temor de otra oleada de niños centroamericanos cruzando solos la frontera (Video)
Datos de agosto alertan sobre nueva ola de niños inmigrantes en EEUU
Arpaio alega que nunca tuvo “conocimiento claro” de órdenes emitidas por juez
El día que Donald Trump “se rajó”
Después del Papa y Boehner: voto latino, 5º. Circuito y extrema derecha
Por Rocío Sáenz
La hispana que murió en la masacre en Oregon
Aumenta número de empresas fundadas por hispanos en Estados Unidos
Menores indocumentados vencen el miedo y se convierten en activistas (Video)
Colegios y universidades privadas de Indiana ofrecen becas a indocumentados
Colegios y universidades privadas de Indiana ofrecen becas a indocumentados
Falta de acceso de indocumentados a universidades afecta economía de Georgia
Mexicanos llegan a EEUU llenos de sueños y se dedican a aportar al país que los adoptó
Mexicanos desoyen voces en su contra y siguen emigrando a EEUU (Video)
Barack Obama reivindica reforma migratoria tras 50 años de la Ley de Naturalización
Denuncian violaciones a derechos de granjeros latinos en Colorado y Nuevo México
#FreeAbuelito: Redes sociales “frenan” su deportación
La lucha de un ‘DREAMer’ por pago justo en su universidad
Patrulla fronteriza alista plan piloto de reconocimiento facial en garitas