English (en español al final de la página):
Washington Times: Jeb Bush’s immigration evolution: Earned legal status but no path to citizenship
By Seth McLaughlin
PRI: In Spanish, in America, the outrage at Trump isn’t going away
By Gabe Ortiz
Washington Post: Trump dominates social media
By James Hohmann
Bloomberg: Taking On Donald Trump May Be a Key Step in Getting to the Oval Office
By Mark Halperin
Washington Post: GOP leaders fear damage to party’s image as Donald Trump doubles down
By Karen Tumulty, Philip Rucker, and Robert Costa
The Hill: RNC asks Trump to tone down immigration remarks
By Elliot Smilowitz
National Journal: Why Republicans Can’t Kick Donald Trump Out of Their Debates
By Tim Alberta
Vox: The real costs of Donald Trump’s anti-Mexican slur controversy, explained
By Dara Lind
Politico: Harry Reid: Donald Trump’s immigration comments ‘disgusting’
By Burgess Everett
The Hill: Reid: Trump’s immigration comments ‘distasteful, disgusting’
By Alexander Bolton
Arizona Republic: Donald Trump to visit Phoenix to talk immigration
By Dan Nowicki
Washington Post: José Andrés backs out of restaurant in Donald Trump’s hotel
By Emily Heil
MSNBC: Another one bites the dust: Acclaimed Chef dumps Donald Trump
By Jane C. Timm
The Hill: Rick Perry: Trump ‘way out of touch with reality’
By Mark Hensch
Daily Beast: Trump Tower Was Built on Undocumented Immigrants’ Backs
By Michael Daly
The Hill: Trump: Clinton is the worst
By Mark Hensch
Washington Post: Trump says he’ll win Latino vote despite backlash over charged remarks
By Antonio Olivo
NBCNews: Donald Trump: ‘I Will Win the Latino Vote’
By Katy Tur and Carrie Dann
New York Times: For Jeb Bush, Love for His Wife and a Secure Border
By Michael Barbaro
Washington Post: Jeb Bush: ‘You can love your Mexican-American wife and also believe that you need to control the border’
By Ed O’Keefe
AP: Bush: End sanctuary cities for immigrants in US illegally
By Thomas Beaumont
Miami Herald: Should immigrants in the country illegally be eligible for citizenship? ‘My belief is no,’ Jeb Bush says
By Patricia Mazzei
New York Times: Lindsey Graham Says Republicans Are ‘in a Hole’ With Hispanics
By Alan Rappeport
Wall Street Journal: Lindsey Graham: Tell Hillary Clinton I Also Back Pathway to Citizenship
By Reid J. Epstein
MSNBC: Rubio vs. Clinton on immigration
By Steve Benen
Bloomberg: Marco Rubio Dismisses Hillary Clinton’s Immigration Attack as ‘Silly Talk’
By Sahil Kapur
Washington Post: Rubio dismisses Hillary Clinton’s immigration comments as ‘silly talk’
By Sean Sullivan
Northeast Media Group (Ohio): Rick Santorum says less legal immigration would boost U.S. jobs
By Robert Higgs
AP: San Francisco shooting defendant’s immigration history is common
By Elliot Spagat and Janni Har
New York Times: After Killing Tied to Deported Felon, San Francisco Mayor Mulls Policy Shift
By Jennifer Medina and Julia Preston
AP: San Francisco Sheriff Requested Transfer of Immigrant Inmate
The Hill: Fifth Circuit to weigh hold on Obama’s immigration orders
By Lydia Wheeler
AP: Judge Orders Homeland Security Chief, Others to Court
Bloomberg: Texas Immigration Judge Threatens Jeh Johnson With Contempt
By Laurel Brubaker Calkins
Washington Post: Republicans again propose blocking Obama’s immigration orders
By Kelsey Snell
The Hill: House spending bill would block funding for immigration action
By Rebecca Shabad
AP: Law License Delayed For Immigrant Illegally Living In Us
AP: In Long-Predicted Shift, California Latinos Outnumber Whites
Politico: Democrats’ primary nightmare comes true: Alan Grayson runs for Senate
By Marc Caputo and Matt Dixon
Portland Press Herald (Maine): LePage inaction may inadvertently allow bills to become law
By Michael Shepherd
Des Moines Register (Iowa): Judge refuses to let immigrant activist Vargas off probation
By Grant Rodgers
Politico (Op-Ed): The Immigration Secessionists
By Rich Lowry
Bloomberg View (Opinion): The Deportation Era Is Over
By Francis Wilkinson
Washington Post (Plum Line): The new Willie Horton?
By Paul Waldman
New York Times (Op-Ed): The Wasted Gift of Donald Trump
By Frank Bruni
New York Times (Op-Ed): President Donald Trump? Just Say No
By Peter Wehner
Politico Magazine (Opinion): Donald Trump’s Wrong. Mexicans Aren’t Going to Rape You.
By Gustavo Arellano
Washington Post (The Fix): Why GOP presidential hopefuls are suddenly anxious to fight over Donald Trump
By Philip Bump
Washington Post (Plum Line): Trump gives Republicans the immigration mess they could have easily avoided
By Greg Sargent
Washington Post (The Fix): Donald Trump hears there are 34 million illegal immigrants. There aren’t.
By Philip Bump
Think Progress (Opinion): Meet The ‘Rapists’ Who Built Donald Trump’s Empire
By Esther Lee
Huffington Post (Op-Ed): A Message to Donald Trump From Two Undocumented Entrepreneurs
By Ivan Ceja and Justino Mora
Huffington Post (Op-Ed): A Letter to Pope Francis From the Immigrant Community
By Felipe Sousa-Rodriguez
Noticiero Univisión [VIDEO]: Trump ahora dice que ama a los mexicanos; El magnate precandidato presidencial dijo este miércoles que tiene excelentes relaciones con los mexicanos.
Noticiero Telemundo [VIDEO]: Donald Trump dice que no le debe una disculpa a los mexicanos
Noticiero Telemundo [VIDEO]: Sale a relucir la Torre Trump presuntamente construida por inmigrantes polacos
EFE: Trump minimiza las pérdidas económicas por sus polémicas declaraciones
La Opinión: ¡Únete a la protesta! Trump estará este viernes en LA
Associated Press: Bush pide fin a ciudades “santuario” para inmigrantes
Noticiero Telemundo [VIDEO]: Nueva información contradice a indocumentado acusado de asesinato en California
Associated Press: Historia de migrante mexicano en San Francisco no es rara
Por Elliot Spagat y Janie Har
Noticiero Telemundo [VIDEO]: El futuro de DACA y DAPA podría definirse el viernes en una corte en New Orleans
Univision.com: Temerosos, inmigrantes viajan a Nueva Orleans a audiencia de la Acción Ejecutiva
Por Jorge Cancino
La Opinión: Inmigrantes: “Dennos la oportunidad de salir de las sombras”
EFE: Inmigrantes comenten menos crímenes que los nacidos en EE.UU., según informe
Univision.com y Agencias: El mexicano César Vargas no puede solicitar licencia de abogado en EEUU
Associated Press: Demoran en NY entrega de licencia de abogado a mexicano
Noticiero Univisión [VIDEO]: Campaña promueve la revolución pacífica; Los promotores de esta campaña nacional quieren hacer que la gente indocumentada salga a contar su historia.
Noticiero Univisión [VIDEO]: México es la principal contención de indocumentados; Las cifras de los niños que han intentado cruzar en la frontera ha bajado un 51% desde el año pasado.
EFE: Disminuye llegada de menores a EEUU por la presión de autoridades mexicanas
La Opinión: Bote por Trump; Hay que refrenarse a la hora de usar expresiones ofensivas, por más que muchas de ellas sean herencia de otros tiempos y otra educación
Por Luis Silva-Villar