English (en español al final de la página):
Miami Herald: Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio oppose ‘sanctuary’ cities — but some consider Miami to be one
By Patricia Mazzei
AP: Where They Stand: Scott Walker on Issues of 2016 Campaign
Wall Street Journal: Scott Walker Joins Race as Fighter for the Right
By Reid Epstein
AP: Immigrant Advocacy Group: Walker Policies Inspired by Racism
Washington Post (The Fix): 3 reasons Scott Walker could be the GOP’s savior, and 3 reasons he won’t
By Amber Phillips
Los Angeles Times: Entering presidential race, Scott Walker challenges GOP’s desire to diversify
By Noah Bierman
Fox News Latino: Scott Walker joins 2016 GOP race with murky stance on immigration and other national issues
MSNBC: Republican candidates insist nobody cares about Trump
By Jane C. Timm
National Journal: Steve King: If the Iowa Caucus Was Today, Trump Would ‘Probably Come Out on Top’
By Eric Garcia
Huffington Post: Even Immigration Hardliner Tom Tancredo Is Giving Donald Trump Some Grief
By Elise Foley
Reuters: Donald Trump’s Latino Employees Resent His Anti-Immigrant Remarks
By Laila Kearney and Sebastien Melo
Politico: Rupert Murdoch: Donald Trump is wrong
By Hadas Gold
Washington Post: Trump’s insults may actually be doing Latinos a favor
By Mary Jordan
Talking Points Memo: Trump Reportedly Tells Group US Should Have Invaded Mexico Instead Of Iraq
By Catherine Thompson
Washington Post: Sanders and O’Malley slam Trump
By Mary Jordan
Politico: Democrats attack Trump as they woo Hispanic voters
By Gabriel Debenedetti
National Journal: Democratic Presidential Candidates Pile on Trump at Latino Conference
By Emily Schultheis
Politico: O’Malley: Trump a ‘hate-spewing character’
By Gabriel Debenedetti
Los Angeles Times: Bernie Sanders faces uphill struggle to win over Latino voters
By Evan Halper
The Hill: Sanders: Trump won’t be successful ‘dividing us’ on race
By Jesse Byrnes
AP: Sanders Says US Immigration Policies Should Unite Families
By David Lieb and Lisa Lerer
National Journal: Two Republican Congressmen Offer Presidential Candidates Their Lessons on Winning Latinos’ Votes
By Lisa Hagen
Dallas Morning News: Ted Cruz targets sanctuary cities after California murder
By Sylvan Lane
New York Times: Chris Christie Still Likes Donald Trump, Despite Comments on Immigrants
By Nick Corasaniti
Washington Times: Rick Santorum: Immigration should be at forefront of 2016 GOP race
By Seth McLaughlin
AP: Parents of Woman Killed on SF Pier Want Strict Immigration Law
Los Angeles Times: Parents of woman killed in San Francisco want tougher immigration law
By Matt Hamilton
Fox News: ‘Help Me, Dad’: Kate Steinle’s Parents Remember Their Daughter and Her Final Moments[VIDEO]
Fox News: ‘The System Failed My Sister’: Kate Steinle’s Brother Slams Sanctuary City Policy [VIDEO]
National Journal: Why It’s Difficult to Crack Down on ‘Sanctuary Cities’
By Sam Baker
Wall Street Journal: New York Authorities Are Targeting Fraud Against Immigrants
By Rebecca Davis O’Brien
Politico: Latino turnout in California cratered in 2014, study finds
By Eliza Collins
Washington Post (Opinion): Obama’s silence on Kathryn Steinle killing is deafening
By Marc A. Thiessen
Atlantic (Opinion): Donald Trump Is No Conservative
By Conor Friedersdorf
Washington Post (The Fix): Donald Trump’s political success on immigration is purely accidental
By Philip Bump
Washington Post (The Fix): Hillary Clinton’s economic ideas would be big for Latinos. That’s no coincidence.
By Janell Ross
Economist (Opinion): Not here to cause trouble
Huffington Post (Op-Ed): Huddled Masses: Public Opinion & the 1965 US Immigration Act
By Kathleen Weldon
EFE: Aspirantes demócratas se comprometen con los inmigrantes en congreso La Raza
EFE: Clinton promete “luchar cada día” por una reforma migratoria como presidenta
EFE: Precandidato demócrata Sanders promete luchar por derechos de inmigrantes
Associated Press: Sanders: Política de inmigración de EEUU debe unir familias
Por David Lieb y Lisa Lere
Noticiero Telemundo [VIDEO]: Gobernador de Wisconsin anuncia su precandidatura a la presidencia de EEUU
Associated Press: Grupo: Políticas de Walker están inspiradas por racismo
Por Todd Richmond
Noticiero Telemundo [VIDEO]: FBI investiga supuestas amenazas de ‘El Chapo’ a Donald Trump
UVideos.com [VIDEO]: Las migraciones legales en el mundo; A nivel mundial, la inmigración legal creció 50% en 25 años, siendo Estados Unidos uno de los más solicitados.13 de julio de 2015
Associated Press: California daría permisos para jornaleros inmigrantes