The Center for New Community has released two important resources in countering the anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim movements.
The first resource, “Anti-Immigrant And Anti-Muslim Threats In The United States,” is an assessment of organized nativist activity from around the nation, including groups with disturbing ties to white supremacists attempting to push through bigoted local and state measures.
“The threat assessment is intended to be used as a resource for state and local organizations and activists working with communities impacted by nativism, to provide information about existing nativist threats, and to serve as a warning about current trends in organized hate in the political debate,” writes CNC’s Lindsay Schubiner.
“The report does include state legislation proposed by legislators with ties to the organized anti-Muslim movement or supported by the organized anti-immigrant movement. The assessment similarly includes non-legislative organizing and events supported by anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim, or anti-refugee leaders or group.”
The second resource, “A Guide To The Anti-Immigrant Movement’s Racist Agenda — And How To Expose It,” exposes the racist agendas of the leading anti-immigrant groups FAIR, CIS, and NumbersUSA, and offers tools in how to counter it.
CIS, in particular, is incredibly popular with Congressional Republicans, with GOP committee members regularly inviting CIS to testify before various House and Senate hearings. CNC estimates that CIS has testified before the House Judiciary Committee at least 40 times since 2003.
At a Tea Party rally in 2013, Stephen Steinlight, the Senior Policy Analyst for the CIS, suggested that we should impeach President Obama — as well as have him lynched:
We all know, if there ever was a president that deserved to be impeached, it’s this guy. Alright? And I wouldn’t stop. I would think being hung, drawn, and quartered is probably too good for him.
The pro-immigration reform movement has long been familiar with the Tanton network, a body of anti-immigrant organizations including all three of these groups (some considered to be hate groups) founded by a single man—John Tanton, a noted white nationalist.