Just in case Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) leading the attack on Sonia Sotomayor’s alleged “racism” wasn’t enough pot calling the kettle black, this just in.
In a press release, ALIPAC, one of the nation’s most vocal anti-immigration advocacy groups, takes a stab at Sotomayor’s membership in NCLR (National Council of La Raza), a mainstream Hispanic equivalent to the NAACP.
Sonia Sotomayor is a member and supporter of the racist group La Raza which supports Amnesty and welfare benefits for illegal aliens,” said William Gheen of ALIPAC. “Her membership in this racist group, along with her racist ‘wise Latina’ comments and her court decisions against the firefighters in New Haven, tells us that Sonia Sotomayor shows a pattern of bigotry that should not be welcomed on the Supreme Court!
So, apologies to the Center for Immigration Studies, but its head Mark Krikorian no longer wins the award for most absurd line of attack on the President’s Supreme Court nominee. Nope, William Gheen clearly distinguishes himself there.
And in case you’re wondering what NCLR is all about, and where they get their racist evil dollars, Rachel Maddow summed it up nicely for Tom Tancredo: