Nine years ago, on June 15, 2012, the Obama administration announced a temporary program called DACA, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, which granted undocumented individuals relief from deportation and permission to live, work, and attend school in the United States. Now, nine years later, after many attempts by Republicans to end the DACA program, it continues to serve as a non-permanent solution for undocumented individuals.

Even now, a federal judge in Texas could decide the fate of DACA any day, potentially altering the lives of thousands. 

So, while we celebrate our DACA community, it is important that we continue the fight for permanent solutions for Dreamers and every undocumented person living in the United States, including TPS recipients, DED holders, and Essential workers. 

It is time for Congress pass permanent legislation to protect ALL undocumented immigrants. 

To help activists on today’s anniversary of DACA, we’ve put together a list of resources below:

our next set of goals

  • Legislative solution for Dreamers, TPS Holders, DED recipients, and essential workers:  Legislation to provide a permanent solution for many undocumented immigrants is awaiting Senate action in the form of the “American Dream and Promise Act,” which passed the House in March.
  • Legislative solution for ALL undocumented immigrants: The ultimate goal of our group and a larger movement of immigration advocates is to create a pathway to citizenship for all undocumented immigrants living in the United States.

Learn More about daca

Sign petitions for legislative actions

Petition in support of the “American Dream & Promise Act” by America’s Voice>>

Although the House passed HR.6, Senate Republicans have refused to vote on this bill which would provide a path to citizenship for Dreamers. With just a couple of clicks, you can add your name to our petition demanding this bill be brought to the Senate floor for a vote.

Petition demanding citizenship for all from UWD, Sunrise Movement, the UFW Foundation, Daily Kos, UWDA, Leadership Conference, Undocublack, Detention Watch Network, & MPower Change Petition>>

Call on President Biden and Congress to lead and deliver citizenship now. Demand that they add citizenship for immigrant youth, TPS holders, farm workers and other essential workers to the American Jobs package.

Call your senators 

To celebrate DACA’s 9th anniversary today, I urge you to call your Senators at (202) 224-3121 and tell them to pass the Dream and Promise Act. You can use this script: 

Hello (Senator          ), It’s been 9 years since DACA brought temporary relief for some members of the undocumented community. However, in those same 9 years, there have been many efforts to stop the DACA program from continuing and recipients still do not have a path to citizenship. We need permanent solutions for ALL undocumented individuals, including Dreamers, TPS holders, DED recipients, and essential workers. Please support the Dream and Promise Act that has already been passed by the House and needs final Senate approval.

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