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The Republican Party has no shame. Year after year they impose anti-immigrant laws on us, like Proposition 187 in California and SB 1070 in Arizona. Here in Nevada, Senate candidate Sharron Angle is one of the key defenders of discriminatory measures. She insults our community over and over again with her proposals, comments and ads. And to top it off, now a Republican group is telling us not to vote. Millions of dollars have been spent on commercials that attack us and make us out to be criminals, insinuating that we don’t deserve to be in this country. Don’t let them fool you. They know that the Latino vote could be decisive in Nevada and they want to intimidate you so you don’t vote. This Election Day, show the power of your voice to those who would silence it. Vote for your family. Vote for your community. Vote on November 2nd. America’s Voice, Campaign for Community Change, and Mi Familia Vota Civic Participation Campaign paid for this advertisement and are responsible for its content. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. |
The Republican Party has no shame. Year after year they impose anti-immigrant laws on us, like Proposition 187 in California and SB 1070 in Arizona. Here in Colorado, Senate candidate Ken Buck is one of the key defenders of discriminatory measures. Buck is endorsed by ALIPAC, an extremist group that wants to deny rights to immigrants. And to top it off, now a Republican group is telling us not to vote. Millions of dollars have been spent on commercials that attacks us and make us out to be criminals, insinuating that we don’t deserve to be in this country. Don’t let them fool you. They know that the Latino vote could be decisive in Colorado and they want to intimidate you so you don’t vote. This Election Day, show the power of your voice to those who would silence it. Vote for your family. Vote for your community. Vote on November 2nd. America’s Voice, Campaign for Community Change, and Mi Familia Vota Civic Participation Campaign paid for this advertisement and are responsible for its content. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. |