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F.A.I.R. is a Hate Group—Period (DRAFT PAGE)

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Tell Congress, “Don’t Meet with FAIR! Don’t Validate the Hate!”

With members of the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) descending on Washington this week, now is the time to let Congress know that F.A.I.R. is an extremist group whose agenda is not in the best interests of our nation.

Send your Members of Congress a letter to say no to FAIR, and yes to real solutions on immigration.

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“As Whites see their power and control over their lives declining, will they simply go quietly into the night?

Or will there be an explosion?”

John Tanton, FAIR Founder and Board Director

A History of Hate:

  • FAIR was founded by extremist John Tanton with money from the Pioneer Fund, a foundation that believes some races are genetically superior to others. Tanton still sits on FAIR’s board.
  • The Southern Poverty Law Center has named FAIR a “hate group.” Other SPLC “hate groups” include: the Ku Klux Klan, the American Nazi Party, and the Aryan Nations. (More…)
  • Dan Stein, FAIR’s Executive Director, was quoted, “It’s almost like [Asians and Hispanics] are getting into competitive breeding.”

Learn More:

Anti-Defamation League
Immigrants Targeted: Extremist Rhetoric Moves into the Mainstream

SPLC’s 2009 Report
The Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR)

Center for New Community

NCLR, WeCanStopTheHate.org
FAIR Backgrounder