The House Judiciary Committee just held the first hearing of the year on immigration reform. Now committee members need to hear from their constituents on the issue! Thousands of people around the country are calling their members right now, can you join us?

Just call  1-866-930-3396 . We’ll give you your representative’s name and connect you right to their office so you can tell him/her you want to see a clear, straightforward roadmap to citizenship for 11 million Americans without papers.

You can use this script: 

Hello, this is ___[your name]___ from ___[city]___ . I’m calling to ask that ___[your representative]___ support immigration reform that provides a clear, direct roadmap to citizenship for undocumented immigrants who are contributing to our nation. Where does ___[your representative]___ stand on creating a roadmap to citizenship for undocumented immigrants?

In the wake of the hearing, we know many of these members are determining their positions on reform. It’s imperative that we drive as many calls as possible to their offices right now while they’re weighing which position to support.

Thanks for your help!