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Video: Arizona Polling

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Tuesday, October 9


  • Rick Rodriguez, Carnegie Professor of Journalism, Arizona State University and former Executive Director of the Sacramento Bee (Moderator)
  • Rodolfo Espino, Associate Professor of Political Science, Arizona State University
  • Gary Segura, Professor of American Politics and Chair of Chicano/a Studies, Stanford University; Principal, Latino Decisions
  • Daniel Rodriguez, National Coordinating Committee Member, United We Dream
  • Petra Falcon, Director, Promise Arizona
  • Francisco Heredia, Arizona State Director, Mi Familia Vota
  • Bill Hart, Senior Policy Analyst, Morrison Institute for Public Policy

Click here to view brand-new Arizona polling released.

Polling summary:

55% The percentage of Arizona Latino voters who rank immigration as a top issue that Congress and the President should address (this is HIGHER than those who rank jobs/economy as a top priority, at 44%)
92% Percentage of Arizona Latino voters who say that immigration as a topic is important to their voting decision
77% Obama approval rating among Arizona Latino voters
80% Percentage of Arizona Latino voters who support Obama’s reelection, compared to 14% supporting Romney
75% Percentage of Arizona Latino voters supporting Arizona Senatorial candidate Richard Carmona (D), compared to 12% supporting Republican Jeff Flake
64% Percentage of Arizona Latino voters who say that President Obama’s deferred action policymakes them more enthusiastic about Obama
66% Percentage of Arizona Latino voters who say that Mitt Romney’s support of self-deportationand harsh anti-immigrant laws makes them less enthusiastic about Romney
69% Percentage of Arizona Latino voters who say they know someone who is an undocumented immigrant
55% Percentage of Arizona Latino voters who say they know a DREAMer
90% Percentage of Arizona Latino voters who say they are enthusiastic about voting in November


Watch the video recording of the panel discussion here:

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Follow along with the PowerPoint here.