Similar to the way he ducked the key immigration questions at his speech at last week’s NALEO conference, Mitt Romney today avoided a substantive response to today’s Supreme Court ruling on Arizona’s immigration law – despite being in Arizona. Additionally, while Romney’s statement attempted to call out President Obama...
McKay Coppins of BuzzFeed Poses Three Immigration Policy Questions Romney Just Can’t Seem to Answer Similar to the way he ducked the key immigration questions at his speech at last week’s NALEO conference, Mitt Romney today avoided a substantive response to today’s Supreme Court ruling on Arizona’s immigration law...
Racial Profiling Provision Will Lead to Discrimination, Needs to be Struck Down in the Future This is a statement from Frank Sharry, Executive Director of America’s Voice Education Fund, in response to today’s Supreme Court ruling on the Arizona anti-immigration law. “Today’s Supreme Court ruling on Arizona’s anti-immigrant law...
Today, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled on Arizona vs. United States re: the state’s controversial anti-immigrant law, SB 1070. From the Associated Press: The Supreme Court struck down key provisions of Arizona’s crackdown on immigrants Monday but said a much-debated portion on checking suspects’ status could...
This week Latino Decisions and America’s Voice release additional datapoints from our June 2012 5-state battleground survey. Below are results and related analysis from Matt Barreto of Latino Decisions: In advance of the Supreme Court decision on Arizona’s controversial SB1070, we asked Latino voters how they would feel if the court...
A decision from the Supreme Court on Arizona vs. United States is expected next week, where the issue in contention is whether the law usurps the federal government’s power to regulate immigration laws. While we wait for a decision, Puente Arizona is taking the lead by strengthening “Barrio Defense Committees” in Arizona,...