This weekend, our allies at the Irish Lobby for Immigration Reform held a meeting in Virginia to plot their strategy to push reform. Via John Stanton at Buzzfeed: Immigration activists may have found an unusual ally in the daunting bid to convince Republicans that comprehensive immigration reform must happen:...
Cross-posted at Latino Decisions blog. With Election Day in Virginia today and the gubernatorial candidates’ positioning on immigration reform on stark display, a new election-eve poll, sponsored by America’s Voice, People for the American Way and Latino Decisions reveals how Virginia’s changing demographics are also changing the state’s politics. The polling...
Goodlatte, House Leaders Talk Up Reform, but Where’s their Legislative Proposal? When is the Vote? For months now House leaders have been using similar talking points and sound bites when talking about immigration reform. However, they continue to fall short when it comes to actually putting their words into...
Yesterday, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) appeared on the Washington, DC NPR affiliate’s“Kojo Nnamdi Show.” And once again, he made it painfully clear why he should not be entrusted with driving the House immigration agenda forward. According to MSNBC’s Benjy Sarlin’s assessment of yesterday’s radio appearance, “Goodlatte...
Earlier this week, House Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte explained to Univision Radio his plans for creating a permanent underclass by giving undocumented immigrants “a legal status,” but not citizenship. Then he had the audacity to say, “So there is no permanent underclass, there is no distinction other than to say people...
Continues to Disqualify Himself as Leader on Immigration Last Friday, the Obama Administration issued a modest policy directive clarifying that the nation’s immigration enforcers should use basic decency and common sense in deciding how to deal with immigrants in detention who are also parents of minor children. Despite the...
A Hardliner Poses as a Reformer – Until the Truth Outs As Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) has positioned himself to be a key player on immigration policy. He’s the head of the lead committee of jurisdiction, he has championed a number of piecemeal...
It’s Time for the House Leadership to Lead, and It’s Time for Goodlatte to Get Out of the Way House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) effectively disqualified himself this week from a leadership role in the upcoming House immigration reform debate. He made clear that he opposes an...
In an interview today with the conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) made it clear that his opposition to a path to citizenship extends to DREAMers – young Americans in all but their paperwork. Said Goodlatte: But, even for them, I would say that they get...
Boehner Better Not Be Relying on This Guy to Get Immigration Reform Done Is Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) trying to blow up immigration reform? Sure looks that way to us. At a town hall held in his Western Virginia district last evening, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-VA)...