WASHINGTON, DC –  En el tema de la reforma migratoria, el senador republicano de Florida, Marco Rubio, tiene un problema: quiere quedar bien con Dios y con el Diablo. Este fin de semana Rubio dijo que era “prematuro” declarar que había un acuerdo entre los sectores sindical y empresarial... Continue »
The past seven days have been quite a ride for Jeb Bush. He began the week by recanting his earlier support for immigration reform with  a path to citizenship.  That’s because Jeb wrote a book last year when it didn’t seem like a path to citizenship would be the... Continue »
This weekend, Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT), Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee and one of the key players in the effort to pass immigration reform, appeared on CNN’s State of the Union. He expressed hope that a reform bill can be passed, noting “The time is now.”  Chairman Leahy... Continue »
This afternoon the Washington Post published an article “Immigrants, advocates grow impatient with Obama on pace of changes to laws“, which explores the frustration immigration advocates have for the Administration’s record-breaking deportations.  From the article: The anger at President Obama’s deportation polices among some of his otherwise most ardent... Continue »
The buzz in news this week involves a recent John McCain town hall event in Arizona, where he was heckled by anti-immigrant opponents shouting about stopping immigrants with guns and expressing beliefs that all immigrants are on welfare (actually, they’re not eligible). In contrast to the extremism in Arizona, we want to share this video... Continue »