What you need to know about the so-called “SAFE Act” that Bob Goodlatte and House Republicans will be pushing this fall:
Summaries and Analysis:
- Top 5 Reasons to Oppose the SAFE Act (NILC)
- SAFE Act Summary (NILC)
- “Son of Sensenbrenner” Bill Would Make Our Communities Un-SAFE (NILC)
- Hearing on H.R. 2278, Strengthen and Fortify Enforcement (SAFE) Act (NILC)
Positions from Advocates:
- Why the So-Called “SAFE Act” is Anything But Safe (America’s Voice/Cuéntame)
- Gowdy/Goodlatte ‘SAFE Act’ is Dangerous Arizonification of US (NDLON)
- Infographic: The “So-Called” Safe Act: The Bad, The Worse, and The Ugly (United We DREAM)
- Infographic: A Day in the Life Under the (un) SAFE Act (Immigrant Justice Network)
Positions from Allies:
- Local Law Enforcement Leaders Oppose Mandates to Engage in Immigration Enforcement
- Police Chiefs Guide to Immigration Issues (International Association of Chiefs of Police)
- Major Cities [Law Enforcement] Chiefs’ statement on enforcement of immigration law by local agencies
- Alliance of Baptists Signs Letter Opposing SAFE Act (ABP News)
News on the SAFE Act:
- House Committee Would Criminalize Being Undocumented (Jim Avila, ABC News)
- SAFE Act anything but, and it takes us a bunch of steps backward on immigration reform (Joey Kennedy, AL.com)