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trump is the nominee
trump is the nominee
Jan 22, 2015
Check out this piece from Matt Hildreth published today at the Des Moines Register. We’ve spent years on this blog pointing out how toxic Rep. Steve King (R-IA) is to national Republicans, calling DREAMers “deportable” and describing them as having “calves the size of cantaloupes,” and in general being the poster Congressman...
Republican Candidates Demagogue Immigration and Border Security in 2014 at the Expense of GOP Viability in 2016 Washington, DC – Given the Republican Party’s need to improve its standing with Latino voters in order to win back the White House, the GOP’s embrace of anti-immigrant politics during the 2014 election...
The Fix on Immigration: American People Support Citizenship, Republicans “Hard-Pressed to Vote Against” 12/11/12 at 11:38 am At The Fix, the Washington Post’s political blogger Chris Cillizza, took a close look at the new Politico/George Washington University Battleground Poll (which we wrote about yesterday.) Cillizza came up with a number...
For the past few weeks, it’s been hard to get Mitt Romney to say anything publicly about immigration reform. That’s a marked change from the GOP primary campaign, when the now-Republican nominee never missed a chance to burnish his anti-immigrant credentials to the nativist base of his party. Romney...
Over the weekend, presumptive Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney finally acknowledged the fact that he has a “Latino problem” due to his anti-immigrant posturing in the Republican primary. While Romney didn’t intend to say so publicly, his remarks at a closed door fundraiser in Florida were caught on microphone. ...
Romney Acknowledges Problems with Latino Voters, But He’s in Denial About His Indelible Anti-Immigrant Brand Over the weekend, presumptive Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney finally acknowledged the fact that he has a “Latino problem” due to his anti-immigrant posturing in the Republican primary. While Romney didn’t intend to say...
Conventional wisdom has held that immigration is less an issue for Latino voters in Florida than in other states. While that may be true in a Republican primary, demographic realities make it less and less true in a general election, where Cuban voters make up only 5% of...
Last night's Republican debate in Tampa, FL confirmed the fact that Mitt Romney is championing a radical anti-immigrant agenda aimed at expelling 11 million undocumented immigrants – a population the size of the state of Ohio – from the United States. This strategy, called "attrition through enforcement," has...
The rap on Mitt Romney is that he is a political opportunist who lacks core principles. No wonder. The Romney campaign's efforts to simultaneously run two very different campaigns in South Carolina and Florida serve only to confirm Romney's shape-shifting ways. In South Carolina Romney is...
The rap on Mitt Romney is that he is a political opportunist who lacks core principles. No wonder. The Romney campaign's efforts to simultaneously run two very different campaigns in South Carolina and Florida serve only to confirm Romney's shape-shifting ways.