Check out this piece from Matt Hildreth published today at the Des Moines Register.  We’ve spent years on this blog pointing out how toxic Rep. Steve King (R-IA) is to national Republicans, calling DREAMers “deportable” and describing them as having “calves the size of cantaloupes,” and in general being the poster Congressman... Continue »
Republican Candidates Demagogue Immigration and Border Security in 2014 at the Expense of GOP Viability in 2016 Washington, DC – Given the Republican Party’s need to improve its standing with Latino voters in order to win back the White House, the GOP’s embrace of anti-immigrant politics during the 2014 election... Continue »
The Fix on Immigration: American People Support Citizenship, Republicans “Hard-Pressed to Vote Against” 12/11/12 at 11:38 am At The Fix, the Washington Post’s political blogger Chris Cillizza, took a close look at the new Politico/George Washington University Battleground Poll (which we wrote about yesterday.) Cillizza came up with a number... Continue »
For the past few weeks, it’s been hard to get Mitt Romney to say anything publicly about immigration reform. That’s a marked change from the GOP primary campaign, when the now-Republican nominee never missed a chance to burnish his anti-immigrant credentials to the nativist base of his party. Romney... Continue »
Over the weekend, presumptive Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney finally acknowledged the fact that he has a “Latino problem” due to his anti-immigrant posturing in the Republican primary.  While Romney didn’t intend to say so publicly, his remarks at a closed door fundraiser in Florida were caught on microphone. ... Continue »
Romney Acknowledges Problems with Latino Voters, But He’s in Denial About His Indelible Anti-Immigrant Brand Over the weekend, presumptive Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney finally acknowledged the fact that he has a “Latino problem” due to his anti-immigrant posturing in the Republican primary. While Romney didn’t intend to say... Continue »
Conventional wisdom has held that immigration is less an issue for Latino voters in Florida than in other states. While that may be true in a Republican primary, demographic realities make it less and less true in a general election, where Cuban voters make up only 5% of... Continue »
Last night's Republican debate in Tampa, FL confirmed the fact that Mitt Romney is championing a radical anti-immigrant agenda aimed at expelling 11 million undocumented immigrants – a population the size of the state of Ohio – from the United States. This strategy, called "attrition through enforcement," has... Continue »
The rap on Mitt Romney is that he is a political opportunist who lacks core principles. No wonder. The Romney campaign's efforts to simultaneously run two very different campaigns in South Carolina and Florida serve only to confirm Romney's shape-shifting ways. In South Carolina Romney is... Continue »
The rap on Mitt Romney is that he is a political opportunist who lacks core principles. No wonder. The Romney campaign's efforts to simultaneously run two very different campaigns in South Carolina and Florida serve only to confirm Romney's shape-shifting ways. Continue »