Today's must-read top immigration news from around the country.
English (en español al final de la página): Miami Herald: The immigration divide between Trump and Clinton By Miriam Valverde PJ Media: Trump Losing Latino Vote 73-16 Percent, Survey Finds By Nicholas Ballasy Washington Post: Clinton highlights differences with Trump on immigration By John Wagner and Jenna Portnoy Washington... Continue »
In an open letter rejecting his candidacy, Silicon Valley leaders from Facebook, Twitter, eBay, Reddit, StubHub, Meetup, and dozens of other companies call Donald Trump “a disaster for innovation.” 40 percent of Fortune 500 companies were founded by immigrants or their children. Trump has promised to build a massive... Continue »
A new profile from the New York Times takes a disturbing look at how Trump’s bigotry-fueled campaign has “opened the door to assertions of white identity and resentment in a way not seen so broadly in American culture in over half a century.” While refusing to disavow the support... Continue »
Today's must-read top immigration news from around the country.
English (en español al final de la página): Associated Press: Southwest at risk for Trump after statements, slow start By Thomas Beaumont Washington Post: Paul Ryan endorsed Donald Trump one month ago. He hasn’t agreed with him since. By Amber Phillips Washington Post: If Clinton wins, Thomas Perez does,... Continue »
Today's must-read top immigration news from around the country.
English (en español al final de la página): NPR: How Trump Made an Emmy-Winning Journalist Leave Journalism to Become an Activist By Janice Llamoca The Hill: Dems guard against migrant surge By Rafael Bernal American Prospect: Is This the Year of the Latino Voter? By Eliza Newlin Carney New... Continue »
Su Fuerza de Deportación es escalofriante y antiestadounidense Este pasado fin de semana, Donald Trump objetó a los medios de comunicación etiquetándoles la esencia de su política migratoria, la “deportación masiva”. Añadió: “La gente se dará cuenta de que no solamente tengo las mejores políticas, sino que tendré el corazón más... Continue »
His Deportation Force is Chilling and Un-American  This past weekend, Donald Trump objected to the media labeling the heart of his immigration policy “mass deportation.” He added, “people are going to find that I have not only the best policies, but I will have the biggest heart of anybody.” That statement would be laughable,... Continue »
Today's must-read top immigration news from around the country.
English (en español al final de la página): Associated Press: Candidate for Congress Posts Sign ‘Make America White Again’ Associated Press: Trump details goals for first 100 days in White House By Jill Colvin New York Times: Hillary Clinton’s Message: Yes, the Economy Is Messed Up. But I Can... Continue »
A continuación presentamos una declaración de Frank Sharry, director ejecutivo de America’s Voice, en la que reflexiona en torno al primer aniversario del ingreso oficial de Donald Trump a la contienda presidencial republicana: “Desde que bajó por aquellas escaleras para hacer el anuncio de su campaña racista y antimexicana... Continue »
The following is a statement from Frank Sharry, Executive Director of America’s Voice, reflecting on the one year anniversary of Donald Trump’s official entrance into the Republican presidential race: “Ever since he descended by escalator to make his racist, fact-free anti-Mexican campaign announcement speech one year ago today, Donald... Continue »