As the drumbeat toward Sunday's March for America continues, the Spanish-language media also covers yesterday's press conference announcing the launch of the national Esperanza for America campaign, and developments in several states regarding immigration raids and enforcement.
Mar 16, 2010
The tipping point is here. The time has come. In all political and social movements there comes a moment when the confluence of events is so powerful they just can't be ignored or dismissed. The long-running effort for comprehensive immigration reform is one such movement and its moment of...
Today features several op-eds and columns in the Spanish-language press about this Sunday's march. Meanwhile, all are urged to participate in the Census, and controversies continue over old and new programs to deport immigrants from jail.
Mar 15, 2010
If you need more proof that the upcoming March For America is gaining attention from Washington, check out an op-ed from Saturday's New York Times. While we've always known passing immigration reform wouldn't be easy, we have never let the naysayers stop our movement.
The Spanish-language press keeps its attention on the preparations underway for the March for America taking place next Sunday, March 21st, in support of immigration reform. Meanwhile, NumbersUSA and other anti-immigrant groups are planning actions of their own, and Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) took to the airwaves yesterday to...
Yesterday Gustavo Torres, Executive Director of CASA de Maryland, a local immigrant rights organization, was among the dozen grassroots and national immigration reform advocates to meet with President Obama at the White House. The meeting was called in the wake of growing anger and frustration at figures that indicate...
Today, the Spanish-language press trumpets President Barack Obama's statement about his "unwavering commitment" to immigration reform and his desire to serve as a "partner" to its advocates, after several White House meetings to discuss what progress can be made to drive reform in Congress. Meanwhile, the federal government conducted...
Mar 11, 2010
That's the question many grassroots immigration reform advocates were asking, heading into today's meeting at the White House. It's a question the tens of thousands of advocates coming to Washington on March 21st to push for real reform are looking to answer. It's a question that ICIRR's Joshua Hoyt...
While pundits have been busy pronouncing immigration reform dead, today the White House is busy hosting-- not one-- but three meetings on immigration in response to the increasing volume of grassroots pressure to see progress on the President's promise to overhaul our dysfunctional immigration system.
The Spanish-language press is buzzing about meetings at the White House and plenty of marches: among anti-immigrant groups in Los Angeles, undocumented youth in Chicago, and the March for America in Washington, D.C.