The Spanish-language press looks backward to the fading legacy of Senator Edward Kennedy, and forward to the impact Latino voters will have on the midterm elections in November. Continue »
After primaries yesterday in Florida and Arizona, the 2010 general election cycle is in full swing -- and one of the most important questions facing political observers is what the nation's fastest-growing voter bloc will do. We won't know the answer to that question until November, of course, but... Continue »
Yesterday, Ivan with members of OneMichigan (shown in the picture on the right with Ivan holding a sign that reads: Pass the DREAM Act Now!) held a press event in support of the bi-partisan legislation called the DREAM Act that would give undocumented young people like Ivan who were... Continue »
My name is Carlos and I'm a 23 year old undocumented immigrant from Caracas, Venezuela. I want to legalize my immigration status in this country through the passage of DREAM Act this year. For too long have I lived in the U.S. without papers. Continue »
Yesterday, as part of our two week campaign to stop the deportation of Ivan Nikolov, America's Voice joined Matias Ramos, Tania Unzueta, Dulce Matuz and other DREAM activists to deliver over 6,000 signed petitions, along with a letter of support from Senator Carl Levin, letters from family and friends,... Continue »
Remember candidate Barack Obama? The one who recognized that mass deportation was a failed strategy that tore communities apart, and knew that comprehensive reform was the only lasting solution? Continue »
Yesterday afternoon, local and national advocates held a media call to highlight Ivan NIkolov's struggle to remain in the country he knows as home, and call on DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano and Immigration and Customs Enforcement chief John Morton to prevent his deportation. Continue »
According to the Washington Post: Justice Department officials in Washington have issued a rare threat to sue Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio if he does not cooperate with their investigation of whether he discriminates against Hispanics. The civil rights inquiry is one of two that target the man who... Continue »
Secure Communities won't make the country more secure, not the way it is working. Police departments that don't want to participate should be able to opt out. The Obama administration needs to fix it or jettison it. Continue »
From the bottom of my heart, I plead to my God that you and your entire family receive blessings from the highest God while you are reading this letter. I admire and thank you for the great labor that you are fulfilling as a president in this big... Continue »