As we've been reporting, we received good news from the Obama administration and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) yesterday: new immigration and deportation guidelines have been announced, which if implemented to their fullest could mean the end of deportations for DREAMers. Continue »
As you can imagine, there have been lots of reactions to yesterday's announcement from the Obama administration about the new deportation policy. We've complied some of the comments and statements from a range of our allies and colleagues. For the most part, this is viewed as a good first... Continue »
Today the Obama Administration announced significant changes to deportation practices bringing them in line with enforcement priorities. The Administration responded to the call for administrative action with significant changes that, if implemented fully and fairly, will focus immigration enforcement on the worst of the worst, not the best and... Continue »
Earlier this month, there were news stories circulating on the interwebs about a mysterious announcement Senator Durbin had made in a meeting with the Chicago Tribune's editorial board. Continue »
A scathing editorial today in the Washington Post blasts the Republican Party's "scare tactics" on border security and calls out Senator John Cornyn for trying "to have it both ways." The conclusion notes that by promoting "myths" about border security, "politicians perpetuate both a lie and the national disgrace... Continue »
Criticism of the Obama Administration's Secure Communities deportation program has reached a new apex, as elected officials and law enforcement leaders offer serious rebukes of the program and immigrant communities and newspaper editorial boards call for it to be scrapped altogether. It's also become a major political problem... Continue »
We at America's Voice write semi-regular Profiles in Extremism, but today's subject really takes the cake. According to Loren Nichols, a candidate for city council in Kennewick, Washington state, undocumented immigrants should be "shot at the border...If they value their lives, they would leave." Continue »
Republican presidential candidates are again struggling with the issue of immigration. The Republicans' strategy appears to be: stick to their border security sound bites and avoid the other immigration issues at all costs. Yet such a balancing act remains increasingly tenuous for any of the 2012 candidates... Continue »
Boston's Mayor and Police Commissioners were early supporters of the Secured Communities program. But, they've seen first hand that S-Comm is not what it was promised to be. They were misled by DHS, which is deporting non-criminals and disrupting communities while making them less safe. The DHS message to... Continue »
Bradford Wells and Anthony John Makk met nineteen years ago in Australia, and were married seven years ago in Massachusetts. But despite the fact that have been together for so long -- and the fact that Bradford is a U.S. citizen who is terminally ill -- immigration officials have... Continue »