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What FOX Won’t Say About Arizona: Brewer’s “Secure the Border” Mantra is Bogus

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Cross-Posted at Crooks and Liars:

Last month, Governor Jan Brewer sparked national controversy by signing Arizona’s new “papers please” immigration bill into law. Her justification has been that Arizona’s border has supposedly been “overrun” with violent crime. Turns out crime in Arizona is down and border security is way up, so the “secure the border” mantra being parroted by Brewer and her friends at FOX has much more to do with empty election-year rhetoric than reality. Even Arizona cops can tell you that.

Well, yesterday Governor Brewer was in Washington, DC to meet with President Obama, and hundreds of picketers took to the streets in front of the White House to say “no” to what is happening in Arizona and “yes” to real, federal immigration reform that actually gets to the heart of solving our immigration crisis — not exploiting it.

Watch video of one protester — a woman holding a banner that reads, “We Are All Arizona:”