The Spanish-language press reports that as the beginning of the lame-duck session of Congress approaches, both supporters and opponents of the DREAM Act are already fired up in anticipation of a debate and vote on the bill. Meanwhile, Jorge Ramos has created a new scholarship fund for immigrant students–including DREAMers–and California, New Jersey, and New York kept the dubious distinction in 2009 of having the most hate crimes in the country, although there were fewer incidents in those states, and nationally, in 2009 than 2008.
Both sides gear up for DREAM battle. Notimex reports that the search for votes for the DREAM Act is in full swing, with eyes on a potential Senate debate on the bill starting next week. The factions who support and oppose the bill are arming themselves with arguments in preparation for the upcoming battle.
The news agency writes:
“On Monday, activists sent letters to Republican Senators from Utah Orrin Hatch and Bob Bennet, urging them to side with the Democratic majority, which is expected to vote in favor of the bill when it is submitted for consideration.”
But the article adds:
“groups opposed to the DREAM Act, such as AmeriPAC, the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) and Tea Party Manatee, have urged their members to reject any form of what they consider to be an ‘amnesty for illegals.’”
El Diario-La Prensa (New York), among other outlets, reprints a column by Maribel Hastings of America’s Voice outlining why both political parties should support the DREAM Act—on behalf of the young people it will benefit and the nation, and because of the battle for the Latino vote as parties turn to the general election in 2012.
Jorge Ramos’ new scholarship fund. The AP (via AOL Latino) and Univisió report on a scholarship fund for immigrant students, including potential DREAM Act beneficiaries, launched yesterday by journalist, author and columnist Jorge Ramos.