At a town-hall meeting held by Rep. Xavier Becerra (D-CA) in Los Angeles, attendees pressured the congressman to lead the fight for comprehensive immigration reform in the House. notes that the forum was held three days after a bill was introduced in the House that would deny citizenship to children born in the United States of undocumented parents. Representative headlines: “Anxiety over immigration reform; activists insist on legalization” (“Inquieta la reforma migratoria, Activistas insisten en legalización”)
La Opinión: “Xavier Becerra pressed to take leadership for immigration reform” (“Presionan a Xavier Becerra, Le exigen asumir liderazgo para la reforma migratoria”)
Notimex: “Forum held in Los Angeles to demand immigration reform” (“Realizan foro en Los Angeles para exigir reforma migratoria”)
Sunday’s edition of Mexican paper La Jornada included the article “Pushing for immigration reform with tacos and texts” (“Impulsarán con celulares y tacos una reforma migratoria”).
The article describes the organizing efforts made through a national text-message campaign and an initiative among street taco vendors to favor businesses that support reform and give discounts to their clients. The paper reports that such an agreement already exists among vendors in Los Angeles, with negotiations underway to include 22 restaurant chains in an agreement that could ultimately include up to 1,000 businesses.