24 de mayo de 2017
En un momento de su violenta y delirante diatriba, el hombre captado en video hace unos días vociferando insultos contra un joven puertorriqueño que hablaba en español por teléfono con su madre mientras esperaba su vuelo en el aeropuerto de Reno, Nevada, dice completamente fuera de sí: “¡Es un...
24 de mayo de 2017
Immigration Reform News May 24, 2017 / Qué Pasa En Inmigración
America’s Voice ICYMI: USCIS Director Nominee Lee Francis Cissna’s Long Held Anti-Immigrant Views El ‘delito’ de hablar español en un país de inmigrantes English Wall Street Journal Trump Administration Proposes Tougher Line on ‘Sanctuary Cities’ Over Detainer Requests By Laura Meckler May 23, 2017 Houston Chronicle Border chief says...
Urge DHS Secretary Kelly to extend protections for Haitians in the United States beyond January 2018 A recording of today’s call is available here. Today, faith leaders, Haitian TPS holders, and advocates expressed concern about the Department of Homeland Security’s Secretary Kelly’s announcement yesterday to extend Temporary Protected Status...
23 de mayo de 2017
Haitian TPS Renewed for 6 Months, Advocates Explain Why It’s Not Enough
Yesterday, DHS Secretary John Kelly announced a 6-month extension of temporary protected status for Haitians living in the US, which means that some 50,000 Haitians will be able to stay in the United States until at least January 2018. It was the right move, and a testament to the...
Este miércoles y jueves, el secretario del Departamento de Seguridad Nacional (DHS), John Kelly, testificará ante los subcomités de asignaciones de la Cámara Baja y del Senado sobre la petición del presupuesto del gobierno de Trump del Año fiscal 2018 para el DHS. En inmigración, el gobierno busca miles...
Yesterday, Attorney General Jeff Sessions seemed to back down on his crusade to defund so-called “sanctuary cities” — jurisdictions that prioritize public safety for all, rather than deportation for all. In effect, he capitulated to a San Francisco court order and admitted that his threats to defund such cities were...
The following is a reaction from Frank Sharry, Executive Director of America’s Voice Education Fund, on the Senate Judiciary Hearing on border security this afternoon: This past March, we joined 130 allied organizations and Senator Durbin in asking the Senate Judiciary Committee and the Subcommittee on Border Security and Immigration to...
This Wednesday and Thursday, Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary John Kelly will testify before House and Senate appropriations subcommittees about the Trump Administration’s Fiscal Year 2018 Budget Request for DHS. On immigration, the Trump budget seeks billions of dollars to expand its mass deportation force and policy, including: $1.6...
Austin, TX – Following the passage of Texas SB4, the virulently anti-civil rights, anti-immigrant, and anti-public safety legislation, America’s Voice, a national pro-immigrant advocacy organization, has hired Mario Carrillo as the Texas State Director to help amplify the efforts of Texas-based advocacy groups to push back against SB4. Mario will work...
23 de mayo de 2017
Immigration Reform News May 23, 2017 / Qué Pasa En Inmigración
America’s Voice America’s Voice Hires Texas State Director Mario Carrillo to Fight Anti-Immigrant Laws and Policies On Heels of Trump Budget Release, Three Questions for DHS Secretary John Kelly at House and Senate Hearings America’s Voice Education Fund Comments on Senate Judiciary Subcommittee Hearing: “Building America’s Trust Through Border...