Today's must-read top immigration news from around the country.
English (noticias en español al final de la página): AMERICA’S VOICE Black Star News (Op-Ed) TRUMP WANTS $6.6 BILLION TO HUNT DOWN IMMIGRANTS AS ABUSES ESCALATE By Frank Sharry March 14, 2017 Black Star News (Op-Ed) RYAN WON’T DENOUNCE KING, CONGRESSMAN WITH SLAVE-MASTER MENTALITY By Frank Sharry March 14,... Continue »
Originally posted at the New York Times Many Americans have been marveling at the bald racism of Steve King, Republican member of Congress from Iowa’s Fourth District, who said this over the weekend on Twitter: “Wilders understands that culture and demographics are our destiny. We can’t restore our civilization... Continue »
The Florida Legislature is back in session, which means that new attacks on immigrant communities are not far behind. Emboldened by Donald Trump’s victory in November, Republican state legislators are preparing to attack immigrant families across the Sunshine State – regardless if those attacks lead to discrimination or racial... Continue »
Trump’s Budget Funds Expansion of Deportation Force at the Expense of National Security This week President Trump will request $6.6 billion to fund an expanded nationwide deportation force, new detention centers, and a massive infrastructure increase at the border (read: wall) – all to implement his mass deportation blueprint.... Continue »
GOP Mostly Silent, While Iowa’s Largest Newspaper Calls for Republicans to Oppose His Re-Election Despite Steve King’s openly white nationalist comments, the vast majority of Republicans are content to ignore King’s comments or issue mealy-mouthed statements that show no backbone (looking at you, Speaker Ryan.) In an interview with Fox... Continue »
Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-IL), immigration reform advocates, and clergy members protested for five hours after a meeting with Chicago ICE yesterday, briefly being placed in handcuffs before being let go without citation. Rep. Gutierrez and the advocates were protesting Donald Trump’s immigration executive orders, sprawling ICE raids, and the... Continue »
Signs promoting America as “a white nation” were posted on the campus of George Washington University, shocking and upsetting some students. The signs mirrored those found on many other campuses in recent weeks. Groups that the Anti-Defamation League, which seeks to document and prevent bigotry, identifies as white supremacist have... Continue »
Today's must-read top immigration news from around the country.
English (noticias en español al final de la página): AMERICA’S VOICE Washington Times Democrats vow government shutdown over Trump border wall By Stephen Dinan March 14, 2017 Washington Times Steve King on Geert Wilders praise: I’m a champion for Western civilization By David Sherfinski March 13, 2017 Daily Beast... Continue »
Ya no extraña el abierto y constante exabrupto racista en estos tiempos de parte de quienes ahora detentan el poder. La desatención a las formas básicas de decencia política en los discursos y declaraciones ha quedado atrás. De lo que se trata ahora es de aniquilar a través de... Continue »
In a moving Op-Ed published in the Washington Post this morning, Dreamer Daniel Ramirez Medina writes from inside a detention center, voicing concerns about his future and the future of his three-year-old child. Ramirez has been in the United States since he was 7 years old and received DACA... Continue »