Cross-posted from David Leopold’s piece on Medium: Yesterday the Obama Administration filed its opening brief before U.S. Supreme Court in U.S. v. Texas, the lawsuit challenging DAPA and DACA expansion, President Obama’s November 20, 2014 executive actions on deportations. In the weeks to come the state of Texas will make... Continue »
In Donald Trump, the Republican Party seems on track to nominate a candidate running the most explicitly nativist and anti-immigrant campaign in recent American history. Simultaneously, Republican primary exit polling in state after state is demonstrating that, despite the front-runner’s obsession with this issue, among the electorate it ranks last in a list... Continue »
Today's must-read top immigration news from around the country.
English (en español al final de la página): Latin Post: Will Donald Trump’s ‘Wall Talk’ Urge Mexicans to Cross the Border Soonest? By Czarmecin Huffington Post (Blog): What Donald Trump Means for Undocumented People Like Me By Juan Escalante ABC News: Super Tuesday Republican Exit Poll Analysis CNN: Virginia... Continue »
Todo parece indicar que habría dos cuasi nominados en ambos partidos. Donald J. Trump solidificó su delantera en la lucha por la nominación republicana en el Supermartes al ganar 7 estados con diversidad ideológica y regional, desde el Sur hasta Nueva Inglaterra; y por el bando demócrata, Hillary Clinton... Continue »
Over the weekend, Donald Trump refused three times to disavow the support he received from David Duke, the former Grand Wizard of the KKK. It’s no coincidence that Trump would refuse to disavow the KKK as white primary voters in a number of Southern states are set to cast... Continue »
El verano pasado, dimos a conocer el “Mapa del Odio de Donald Trump”, una mirada integral a los lugares y hechos donde los latinos, inmigrantes y otras personas de color han sido acosados o atacados por Trump y sus seguidores. Hicimos notar que, a un nivel sin precedente en la historia... Continue »
El creciente movimiento en contra de Trump es bienvenido, pero debió empezar hace nueve meses El creciente movimiento conservador que se opone a Donald Trump hace plantearse la siguiente pregunta: a excepción de unos pocos valientes conservadores, ¿dónde ha estado la mayoría de esos opositores durante los últimos nueve... Continue »
Last summer, we introduced the “Trump Hate Map” – a comprehensive look at the locations and events where Latinos, immigrants, and other people of color have been harassed or attacked by Trump or his supporters. We noted that, to a degree unprecedented in recent American political history, Trump and his campaign’s... Continue »
Speaker Paul Ryan (R-OH) proved again today that the effort to block President Obama’s executive action through the courts is, in fact, based in partisan politics. Republicans at all levels are relying on the courts to do what they could not accomplish through the legislative process, via Elise Foley:... Continue »
Today's must-read top immigration news from around the country.
English (en español al final de la página): New York Times: G.O.P. Legislators Face New Pressure to Decide: Can They Get Behind Trump? By Jennifer Steinhauer Politico: Senate Republicans stand by as Trump marches to nomination By Burgess Everett The Hill: How targeted GOP senators will try to deal... Continue »