Speaker Boehner today was speaking to business leaders in San Antonio when he once again deflected blame for not passing immigration reform away from himself and his House GOP caucus. “Here’s my problem today, the president has decided he’s not going to adhere to the law,” Boehner said according...
Los líderes demócratas del Congreso no tienen dudas sobre la urgencia de una reforma migratoria este año, pero se mantienen divididos sobre hasta cuándo esperar medidas unilaterales del presidente Barack Obama para proteger a los indocumentados.
WASHINGTON, DC – A paso lento pero seguro se suscita una evolución del voto latino que, en algún momento, obligará a los dos principales partidos políticos a replantear sus estrategias para apelar a ese sufragio, pues las nuevas generaciones esperan más que frasecitas en español y eventos simbólicos en...
BuzzFeed: Mark Zuckerberg Group Highlights DREAMer Mom’s Near-Deportation Ahead Of Mother’s Day By Adrian Carrasquillo Think Progress: Immigrant Released From Detention in Time to Celebrate Mother’s Day With Her Sons By Esther Yu-Hsi Lee Roll Call: Deadline for Immigration Overhaul Is August, Says Diaz-Balart By Bridget Bowman The Hill:...
This Sunday, a half-page ad is running in the Denver Post calling out Republican Reps. Mike Coffman and Cory Gardner, both of Colorado, for doing nothing to push along immigration reform even though they have said they support it. The ad features Imelda Valenzuela Gonzalez and her three children, a family that is facing...
Mothers and Grandmothers in Deportation Show Urgent Need for Legislative and Administrative Reform As House Republicans continue to offer weak excuses for their failure to lead on immigration reform, the costs and consequences of their inaction are on full display and the calls for President Obama to use his...
An ad running in the Mother’s Day edition of the Denver Post names Colorado House Republicans Cory Gardner and Mike Coffman as blocking immigration reform that would keep thousands of Colorado immigrant families together. The half-page ad, running in this Sunday’s paper, features a message from the children of...
“Dichas políticas y acciones no sólo perjudican a niños inocentes sino que debilitan a nuestra nación, tal y como lo reconoció la Corte Suprema en Plyler (1982), dejando a jóvenes sin preparación para contribuir en el que a menudo es el único país que han conocido”…