After months of anticipation, the full Senate debate on immigration is kicking off with a series of procedural votes on Tuesday and then the start of amendments.  While there is always high drama around anything Congress does, including the immigration issue, there’s also a palpable sense that politics, policy,... Continue »
By Yoli Navas: Every day, families are being torn apart by the deportation of undocumented parents of US-citizen children. Human Impact Partners estimates that in the past year anywhere between 60,000 and 150,000 children have been separated from either one parent or both by the nation’s “heartless detain-and-deport immigration... Continue »
Bloomberg: Rubio Balancing U.S. Immigration Plan With Fragile Support  By Kathleen Hunter The Atlantic: How the GOP Can Screw Up Its 2016 By Garnace Frank-Ruta NBC: Immigration proponents get new data to support reform cause By Carrie Dann and Alexa Dragoumis NBC Latino: Attention Congress: Immigration top Latino voter... Continue »
Update: Right now, Sessions and Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) are tag-teaming about the virtue of legal immigrants versus those who are undocumented immigrants.  Funny, because earlier this week a Sessions staffer, Danielle Cutrona was on a NumbersUSA call where a speaker came out against LEGAL immigration.  It looks like... Continue »
La directora de Política Nacional de la Casa Blanca, Cecilia Muñoz, aseguró hoy que la Administración Obama “no teme” un debate difícil sobre la reforma migratoria en la Cámara de Representantes, pero llamó a los legisladores a agilizar el proceso antes del receso estival del Congreso.  “No tememos un... Continue »
La mayoría de los votantes latinos apoyan una reforma migratoria integral que incluya el camino a la ciudadanía para unos 11 millones de indocumentados y la seguridad fronteriza, indicó hoy un sondeo de la firma Latino Decisions.  El 81 por ciento de los electores hisopanos apoya ambas medidas incluidas... Continue »
The same day that Karl Rove published an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal warning Republicans about the need to better shape Latino perceptions of the GOP, and the same day that John Boehner penned a Spanish-language op-ed in La Opinion entitled “Protecting the American Dream,” almost every House... Continue »
The following is a press release from the Asian American Justice Center, which worked with a coalition of other groups on this week’s National AAPI Day of Action for Immigration Reform: Wednesday, national Asian American and Pacific Islander leaders rallied for the Stand With Families: National AAPI Day of... Continue »
In anticipation of the debate next week on the Senate floor, Latino Decisions and America’s Voice released the latest in a series of polls that underscore the political imperative of passing immigration reform. This latest poll shows that Democrats and Republicans have a lot to gain and a lot... Continue »