No Wonder Latino and Other Voters Are Rejecting GOP Washington, DC –  With his sensational spin around a new Congressional Research Service (CRS) memo, Rep. Lamar Smith (R-TX) is proving once again that he sees “immigrant” as synonymous with “criminal”—and showing why the Republican Party is having such a... Continue »
With his sensational spin on a new Congressional Research Service (CRS) memo, Rep. Lamar Smith (R-TX) is proving once again that he believes “immigrant” to be synonymous with “criminal”—and showing why the Republican Party is having such a hard time courting Latino voters and others with immigrant roots. Smith... Continue »
As the trial against “America’s Toughest Sheriff”, Maricopa County’s Joe Arpaio, continues,  the bar has been set high to prove that he is guilty of racial profiling, despite “offensive letters, tearful stories and reams of statistics”. From the Associated Press via the Washington Post: Arpaio has repeatedly denied the... Continue »
Yesterday the Immigration Policy Center (IPC) released a treasure trove of data on DREAM Act-eligible youth, including where they come from and where in the US they tend to live.  The report, entitled “Who and Where the DREAMers Are: A Demographic Profile of Immigrants Who Might Benefit from the... Continue »
The Supreme Court’s ruling that finds most of Arizona’s SB 1070 as unconstitutional is impacting other states that have passed similarly egregious legislation. Indiana, for example: Indiana Attorney General Greg Zoeller conceded Tuesday that a key portion of the state’s anti-illegal-immigration law is unconstitutional, and it appears... Continue »
Por primera vez, un político hispano pronunciará el discurso principal de apertura de la Convención Nacional Demócrata, prevista para principios de septiembre próximo en Charlotte, Carolina del Norte. Continue »
Miles de indocumentados en California cruzan los dedos para que el Senado decida aprobar en última instancia una ley que impediría la deportación de ciertos inmigrantes sin papeles. Si lo hace, sería la primera medida en su tipo contraria a la polémica SB1070 de Arizona, promulgada el 23 de... Continue »