Obama leans into the issue, takes action and wins; Romney stays right, ducks the issue and loses  Many have been surprised these past few weeks.  Not only has immigration dominated the headlines, but President Obama has dominated his opponent Mitt Romney on the issue.  Why?  Because Obama understands the... Continue »
As Mitt Romney fails to propose a solution to the immigration problem, evangelical leaders have been growing increasingly frustrated with him. Evangelical leaders recently came out in full support of comprehensive immigration reform during this month’s “Evangelical Immigration Table” and supported the Arizona v. US Supreme Court decision while... Continue »
WASHINGTON – En mi natal Puerto Rico había un programa infantil conducido por un personaje, el Tío Nobel, que llevaba a cabo competencias entre los asistentes con un singular detalle: nunca habían perdedores. Sólo ganadores o casi ganadores. Ayer recordé al personaje cuando se desataron los usuales análisis de... Continue »
Frank Sharry, Executive Director at America’s Voice Education Fund, talk about the Supreme Court ruling on SB107 in Arizona vs. United States in a video message. Continue »
With a 5-3 majority vote, yesterday, the Supreme Court sent a strong signal to the nation that Arizona’s anti-immigrant law is NOT a model for our country.  The ruling was a warning to other states not to follow in Arizona’s footsteps. While the Justices ruled that most provisions of... Continue »
Similar to the way he ducked the key immigration questions at his speech at last week’s NALEO conference, Mitt Romney today avoided a substantive response to today’s Supreme Court ruling on Arizona’s immigration law – despite being in Arizona.  Additionally, while Romney’s statement attempted to call out President Obama... Continue »
Suprema Corte desaprueba a Arizona, pero hay una falla: persiste el potencial de discriminación racial Washington, DC – Declaración de Frank Sharry, director ejecutivo de America’s Voice Education Fund, sobre el fallo de la Suprema Corte en torno a la SB 1070: “El fallo de la Suprema Corte de... Continue »