A mandatory E-Verify system for employers to check the immigration status of workers would have a negative economic impact on businesses in the agriculture, hospitality and manufacturing sectors, officials from those industries said Tuesday. Opposition to the mandatory E-Verify program comes one week after President Barack Obama said... Continue »
Rep. Luis Gutierrez called last week for President Barack Obama to stop deporting undocumented young people, urging him to say, "I'm not going to deport another DREAM kid." Gutierrez (D-Ill.), a popular Latino congressman from the president's home state, is pushing for him to halt the deportation of young... Continue »
Democrats hoping to regain the majority in the House in 2012 might get a strong head start in California, where voters have handed the authority for drawing political boundaries to an independent citizens' commission. Analysts studying the panel's work are predicting that three to five seats now in Republican... Continue »
As the Georgia legislative session wound down earlier this year, state Rep. Matt Ramsey, the author of a controversial immigration bill that is considered one of the nation's strictest, held consultations with a man who is a fixture in the Capitol hallways. His name is D.A. King. Continue »
As America celebrate its independence on July 4, prominent Christian leaders, including heavy-weight evangelicals, are calling on Congress to take action on immigration reform. Faith Leaders for Immigration Reform has released a list of statements made by Christian and Jewish leaders in support of immigration reform by U.S. lawmakers. Continue »
The federal immigration court in Las Vegas is swamped. The caseload has more than doubled since May 2009, and that has created a tremendous backlog of cases, as the Las Vegas Sun's Karoun Demirjian reported this week. In May 2009, it took about 6 1/2 months on average for... Continue »
Alberto Yanez is a hard-working student, a committed young father, and an ambitious DREAMer. He came to the United States from Mexico in 1988 when he was just a year old. Raised in California, Yanez moved to Washington with his family after his junior year in high school. He... Continue »
WASHINGTON  –  Un sondeo de la firma Ipsos para Telemundo encontró que el presidente Barack Obama sigue gozando de altos niveles de aprobación entre los latinos, 62% entre la población hispana general y 64% entre los latinos registrados para votar, aunque hubo un descenso de 24 puntos porcentuales con... Continue »
CBS News went to Georgia to get the story of how that state's new immigration law, with its mandatory E-Verify provision, is impacting the state's agricultural industry. CBS confirms what we've been hearing. Farmers and growing are experiencing an immediate -- and costly -- impact. Continue »
The release of personal information of hundreds of Arizona police officers by a group of hackers on Thursday marks the third major release of documents and personal information on state law enforcement officials within the past week. Continue »