Comedian Stephen Colbert used his signature humor last week to focus the nation's attention on a very serious issue: the treatment of the hardworking people who produce our nation's food supply. Continue »
Check out America's Voice new weekly resource on immigration politics, leading up to November's election-- SUBSCRIBE and get Immigration Insider in your inbox every Tuesday-- absolutely gratis. "A vote on the DREAM Act is delayed, but the debate itself could boost Dems' chances this fall. GOP Congressman blasts... Continue »
America's Voice, Service Employees International Union and Mi Familia Vota Civic Participation Campaign air Spanish-language radio ads in nine media markets across the country. The ad buy and larger mobilization effort are designed to increase turnout among "surge" and "low propensity" Latino voters in areas where Latinos will... Continue »
Today, SEIU, Mi Familia Vota Civic Participation Campaign, and America's Voice are launching Spanish-language radio ads in nine media markets around the country. Continue »
Today, the Service Employees International Union, Mi Familia Vota Civic Participation Campaign, and America's Voice are launching Spanish-language radio ads in nine media markets across the country. The ads point to the Republican Party's obstructionism on immigration reform, cite the GOP's successful effort to block a vote... Continue »
Don't come back to Chicago without handling immigration reform. That's the message Chicago immigration reform advocates want delivered to White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel. Continue »
KCRA's Kevin Riggs asked about whether the candidates support a path to legalization for illegal immigrants living in the United States. Continue »
Several civic groups in the United States began their efforts Tuesday to get out the Latino vote, ahead of the Nov. 2 midterm elections, with an ad campaign in nine markets. Continue »
A coalition of groups favoring immigration reform launched a series of Spanish-language radio ads Tuesday to highlight what they characterize as Republican obstructionism on major administration-backed reform measures. Continue »
During the only moment at which he "broke character" from his ultraconservative-commentator persona during a Congressional hearing on undocumented farm workers, comedian Stephen Colbert couldn't have been more serious: I like talking about people who don't have any power. Continue »