The lawsuit filed by the federal government (on behalf of the Departments of Justice, Homeland Security and State) against Arizona and SB 1070 dominates the headlines today in the Spanish-language media. Continue »
La frustración del público es comprensible, pero debe resultar en una reforma migratoria por parte del Congreso y no en leyes que violen la Constitución y los derechos individuales WASHINGTON, D.C. – El Departamento de Justicia está tomando las acciones debidas para reasumir el control de la política migratoria... Continue »
Today -- in part because of concerned Americans like you -- Obama's Department of Justice announced that they are taking a stand. They will challenge Arizona's new "show me your papers" immigration law and sue the state for usurping federal authority. We know that those who support... Continue »
The Department of Justice is taking action to reassert control over immigration policy at the national level, which is where it belongs. The state of Arizona's radical attempt to usurp federal authority cannot be allowed to stand. Letting 50 states make their own immigration policy makes... Continue »

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