After the news of his plight generated outcry and editorials on his behalf, the announcement that Eric Balderas will not face deportation is both a welcome development and a clarion call to pass the DREAM Act. According to Frank Sharry, Executive Director of America's Voice, "While Eric's story is resolved... Continue »
The Spanish-language press reports that undocumented Harvard student Eric Balderas will not be deported, and that the federal government plans to challenge Arizona law SB 1070. Meanwhile, local enforcement program Secure Communities continues to expand. Continue »
21/06/10 a 8:58am por Maribel Hastings WASHINGTON, D.C. – La noticia de que se aplazó el proceso de deportación del joven estudiante de la Universidad de Harvard, Eric Balderas, demuestra que si el gobierno es capaz de entender los méritos de este caso, debe comprender también los méritos del... Continue »
After surviving a brutal primary campaign against Steve Poizner that featured plenty of anti-immigration tough-talk and shameless demagoguery on immigration issues, California Republican gubernatorial nominee Meg Whitman is now trying to sing a different immigration tune – at least en Espanol. Continue »
Today, the Spanish-Language press highlights Clinton's remarks during an interview in Ecuador, in where she states that there will be legal action against Arizona's controversial immigration law. The Father's Day postcard campaign that targets President Obama also receives wide coverage. Continue »
Despite all the criticism for passing SB1070, Governor Jan Brewer continues to defend it adamantly. Ramping up her rhetoric, Brewer has cited security issues and increasing violence as motives for the law's enactment. Recently she claimed it necessary to protect Arizona from the "murder, terror, and mayhem" carried... Continue »
17/06/10 a 4:25pm por Maribel Hastings WASHINGTON, D.C. – Unos quieren ofrecer todo su potencial profesional para el futuro del país; otros pizcan en los campos muchos de los alimentos que comemos bajo condiciones laborales precarias. Los dos grupos, estudiantes y trabajadores agrícolas indocumentados, podrían regularizarse con las medidas... Continue »
Rep. Steve King (R-IA) has long been one of the most zealous anti-immigrant Members of Congress. Today, in light of Rep. King's revelations of a "Sixth Sense" when it comes to determining who is an immigrant, America's Voice has released a new video about Rep. King's unique... Continue »
Rep. King also made the absurd statement Monday that law enforcement could spot those here illegally by either noting indicators such as, "What kind of clothes people wear…what kind of shoes people wear, what kind of accent they have, the type of grooming that they might have…" or: "…just... Continue »
In Congress, Rep. Steve King claimed that some people have a "sixth sense" to identify undocumented immigrants, and we decided to take King at his word -- watch and share our new movie trailer, "Steve King's Sixth Sense for Immigrants." Continue »