There's a very strong editorial today in La Opinion on the issue of immigration reform. Translated, the title reads, "No More Empty Words." It lays responsibility for any inaction on immigration this Congress squarely at the feet of Democrats. It notes that in the past Democrats were able... Continue »
16/02/10 a 1:14pm por Rafael Prieto Zartha Esta semana recibí una invitación a través de la red social de Facebook de unirme al movimiento del Coffe Party o de la Fiesta del Café, que se presenta como una respuesta al Tea Party o el Motín del Té, el cual se... Continue »
Two editorials in La Opinión in the last few days have discussed immigration reform: "No more empty words" ("No más palabras vacías") and "The moment for reform" ("El momento para la reforma"). "Campaign promises have attracted supporters and raised hopes. The votes cast for candidates committed to immigration reform... Continue »
15/02/10 a 2:01pm por Maribel Hastings La semana pasada la presidenta de la Cámara Baja, la demócrata Nancy Pelosi, refrendó su compromiso con una reforma migratoria amplia que ha tenido el apoyo de su colega republicano de Florida, Lincoln Díaz-Balart, quien anunció su retiro, pero espera, afirmó, que Pelosi lleve... Continue »
Lots going on today in immigration-- here's a quick recap. Yesterday, U.S. Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis announced a set of new farm worker rules, including the rollback of a 2008 Bush-era reversal in labor oversight for agricultural workers in the United States. The measure was promptly heralded as a... Continue »
In today's New York Times, Nina Bernstein reports on the tragic consequences the broken immigration system has had on one American family: In July 2006, when Mrs. Encalada (a native-born citizen) was pregnant with their third daughter and immigration crackdowns were sweeping the country, her husband was ordered by immigration... Continue »
Today's top story in the Spanish-language press is Congressman Lincoln Diaz-Balart's (R-FL) announcement that he intends to retire from the House of Representatives when his current term expires in 2011. Continue »
From faith to labor to law enforcement, more and more voices are demanding action on comprehensive immigration reform for the good of their communities and constituencies. Even more significantly, the country's demographics have shifted dramatically and Latino voters who care deeply about this issue have increased their political clout. Continue »
In an interview published today in the nation's largest Spanish-language newspaper, La Opinión and other ImpreMedia publications, U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) reasserted her commitment to advancing comprehensive immigration reform in 2010, and expressed continued opposition to immigration raids that tear apart American families. During the interview, Speaker Pelosi... Continue »
A La Opinión interview with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, titled "Pelosi advocates reform" ("Pelosi aboga por la reforma" ), appears today in all impreMedia publications. Pelosi is quoted as saying that "I hope to pass immigration reform this year" and "Last week I spoke with the president about the... Continue »