The Drum Major Institute (DMI), a think tank devoted to strengthening the American middle class, published their assessment this week that comprehensive immigration reform "will boost our nation's economy and strengthen and expand its middle class." In their analysis of the Comprehensive Immigration Reform for America's Security and... Continue »
As Haiti reels from a devastating earthquake that flattened buildings and left thousands of people trapped under rubble, three Republicans from Florida are calling on President Obama to do what President Bush never did -- grant temporary protected status to undocumented Haitians living in the U.S. Continue »
New polling released by the Pew Research Center today explores racial attitudes one year after the historic election of President Barack Obama. While the phone-based (land line and cellular) poll found increasing optimism among African Americans, and decreasing racial tension among white and black Americans, it uncovered deep concerns... Continue »
A new analysis by the Drum Major Institute (DMI) found that the Comprehensive Immigration Reform ASAP bill introduced by Congressmen Solomon Ortiz and Luis Gutierrez late last year would "make the grade" for strengthening and expanding America's middle class. DMI states the case succinctly: The Comprehensive Immigration Reform for America's... Continue »
Nearly one in eight Nebraska kids were born to immigrants in 2008 -- making them the state's fastest growing youth population. Continue »
13/01/10 a 12:48am por Rafael Prieto Zartha La primera vez que me enfrenté a una Apple Macintosh, hace casi 30 años, tuve un desencuentro atroz con la tecnología. No tenía ningún control del ratón, la flechita se me desaparecía en la pequeña pantalla y no lograba afirmar de ninguna manera... Continue »
12/01/10 a 5:48pm Washington, D.C. – Dos historias, Documents Reveal Earlier Immigrant Deaths y Officials Hide Truth of Immigrants Deaths in Jail, publicadas recientemente en el diario The New York Times ilustran nuevamente con devastadores detalles el alcance de nuestro deteriorado sistema de inmigración. Los artículos hicieron una crónica... Continue »
Today's "Progress Report" is all about the economics of immigration reform, stating: "President Obama's current focus is, understandably, "jobs, jobs, jobs." However, Hinojosa's findings show that the issues of immigration and the economy are far from mutually exclusive. While anti-immigrant groups use anecdotal evidence to erroneously claim that legalization... Continue »
Two stories, Documents Reveal Earlier Immigrant Deaths and Officials Hid Truth of Immigrant Deaths in Jail, that ran recently in the New York Times illustrate in devastating detail, once again, the extent of our broken immigration system. The stories chronicled the deadly consequences of jailing undocumented immigrants in a haphazard... Continue »
As the U.S. unemployment rate hovers at around 10 percent, a key question is emerging in the unfolding immigration reform debate: whether legalizing millions of undocumented immigrants will further erode the economy or speed its recovery. Continue »