This morning we posted Rachel Maddow's takedown of regular MSNBC commentator Pat Buchanan over his outrageous comments about race and Judge Sonia Sotomayor. Media Matters has a roundup of Pat's sordid history on the topic of race. Turns out there is no shortage of outrage in the blogosphere right... Continue »
21/07/09 a 9:24am por Maribel Hastings Uno de los comentarios -de tantos- que llamó mi atención durante las audiencias de confirmación de Sonia Sotomayor al Supremo, lo formuló el senador republicano de Carolina del Sur, Lindsey Graham, al sermonear a la juez sobre cómo hay que cuidar lo que... Continue »
"Kos: Republicans appear to be heeding Buchanan's advice, more concerned about placating their shrinking regional white male base than in expanding their tent. Some Republicans are even concerned about that." With Senator Schumer set to drop immigration reform legislation by Labor Day, as he says, the GOP will... Continue »