An array of state and local law enforcement officials and organizations are demanding federal action on immigration reform. Leaders in law enforcement from across the nation are pointing to the broken immigration system's impact on community policing and public safety, and asking to be part of the effort... Continue »
15/07/09 a 11:31am por Maribel Hastings Algunos se preguntarán por qué es importante seguir las audiencias de confirmación de Sonia Sotomayor a la Corte Suprema: primero porque las decisiones del máximo tribunal afectan a toda la población del país. Y aunque se supone que la ley que aplican los... Continue »
Yesterday we wondered aloud about whether certain Republican Senators would cease and desist from their racial attacks on Judge Sotomayor so that, among other things, the GOP might have a chance to stop bleeding Latino voters. Looks like GOP leadership intends to do no such thing. As the Huffington... Continue »