02/06/09 a 7:50am   Deseo de soluciones prácticas a los problemas difíciles genera impulso y apoyo para la reforma migratoria entre los estadounidenses Washington, DC – Los estadounidenses desean soluciones a los problemas que aquejan al país y ello ha supuesto un aumento en el apoyo a la reforma... Continue »
In case you missed it, the race-based attacks on Presiden't Obama's Supreme Court nominee, Sonia Sotomayor, got very, very ugly last week. NYT: "Some of Judge Sotomayor’s detractors seem uncomfortable with her Puerto Rican heritage. Tom Tancredo, a former Republican congressman, raged about her ties to the National Council... Continue »
A series of six focus groups finds that the economy has put voters in a problem-solving state of mind. They strongly support common-sense solutions to fixing the broken immigration system. Several key swing demographic groups in Kansas City, MO, Atlanta, GA, and Phoenix, AZ, strongly favored the specifics of... Continue »
A poll of 1,000 likely voters throughout the country finds widespread support for a comprehensive immigration reform across demographics. The majority of participants perceive an economic and fiscal benefit to immigration reform and want Congress to address the economy and immigration reform simultaneously. While approximately 2/3 of... Continue »
On Tuesday, June 2, 2009, pollsters Pete Brodnitz and Celinda Lake joined immigration and political experts Simon Rosenberg and Frank Sharry on a telephonic conference call to analyze American voters' attitudes towards tackling immigration reform this year. Research from Benenson Strategy Group and Lake Research Partners shows that... Continue »

Summary of Focus Groups

Lake Research Partners


Voters are Solution-Oriented towards Immigration:

  • The economy and all the other urgent problems currently facing the country have put voters into a more solution oriented frame of mind, making them receptive to comprehensive immigration reform.

When the Process for Legalization is Described, Voters are... Continue »