The room is filling up over here, and witnesses are taking their seats. Check back soon for live updates, photos, and video from today's Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on immigration reform. Frank Sharry has predicted that today's hearing will butcher a good bit of the conventional wisdom on immigration....
This week's wire, by Nezua, TMC MediaWire Blogger, begins: "It’s no shock that those long-opposed to All Things Immigrant are using the Swine Flu outbreak�which has mostly affected Mexicans at this point�to ratchet anti-immigrant rhetoric up to an irresponsible level. It’s disappointing though, especially because the last few weeks...
At last night's White House press conference, President Obama again re-affirmed his commitment to comprehensive immigration reform, citing the need to fix our very broken immigration system. As CNN reports, in "Obama pushes for immigration reform:" "President Barack Obama on Wednesday said he wants to work with members of...
In his 100 Days press conference last evening, President Obama reiterated his pledge to make immigration reform a Year One priority. Responding to a question from Lori Montenegro of Telemundo, Obama said: “We want to move this process. We can't continue with a broken immigration system. It's not...
"This past election was a game-changer and both parties are confronted with the new politics of the issue," said Frank Sharry, Executive Director of America's Voice. "The election showed that swing voters want solutions to tough problems rather than political finger pointing, Latino voters want their contributions respected...
Apr 29, 2009
En los primeros 100 días de la presidencia de Barack Obama, la Casa Blanca refrendó su compromiso de dar luz verde este año a la discusión de la esperada reforma migratoria amplia que, por cierto, será tema central de una audiencia mañana ante un panel del Senado. Nadie esperaba...
Por Maribel Hastings
America's Voice
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- En los primeros 100 días de la presidencia de Barack Obama, la Casa Blanca refrendó su compromiso de dar luz verde este año a la discusión de la esperada reforma migratoria amplia que, por cierto, será... Continue »