Check out Spanish-language coverage of today's call for an investigation of Arpaio, a full-length feature by Maribel Hastings. Legisladores, activistas y funcionarios aplaudieron la pesquisa en contra del Alguacil Joe Arpaio que conducirá el Departamento de Justicia, y el presidente del Comité Judicial de la Cámara Baja, John Conyers... Continue »
On Wednesday, March 11th, leaders from Arizona and across the nation joined Judiciary Committee Chairman John Conyers (D-MI) at a press conference on Capitol Hill to announce community support for a Department of Justice (DOJ) investigation of Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio. The DOJ informed Sheriff Arpaio that... Continue »
Representative John Conyers (D-MI), Chairman of the US House Committee on the Judiciary, spoke first. Part of his speech was captured in the video below. He said we need to “end Arpaio’s reign of terror”and explained how grave the charges against Arpaio really are. He said they reflected a... Continue »
"The news of the DOJ investigation is a welcome first step towards re-establishing justice in Maricopa County. We are confident that the investigation will reveal the Arpaio approach to law enforcement for what it really is - un-American, ineffective, and anti-Latino. As a result, we expect Arpaio's... Continue »

Familias Unidas -- Family Unity -- National Tour 2009


The Family Unity Campaign will consist of community meetings, prayer vigils and rallies across the country for thousands of U.S. citizens whose families have been separated or risk being torn apart by our... Continue »

Last Night Sheriff Joe Arpaio finally got what he's been asking for: an investigation by the Department of Justice. Today Representative Conyers and other members of the House Judiciary Committee join civil rights leaders to endorse a major petition delivery, listen to testimony, and call for an end to... Continue »
11/03/09 a 7:36am por Maribel Hastings Presidente del Comité Judicial cameral anuncia audiencias sobre Arpaio y otros abusos en los programas que permiten a jurisdicciones locales aplicar las leyes migratorias Legisladores, activistas y funcionarios aplaudieron la pesquisa en contra del Alguacil Joe Arpaio que conducirá el Departamento de Justicia,... Continue »