President Biden condemned Donald Trump for his horrific language echoing dictators like Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini. In an unhinged post sent from his far-right social media platform on Veterans Day holiday and during a campaign event in New Hampshire, Trump attacked his critics as “vermin.” Biden said the... Continue »
Yesterday, President Biden marked the one-year anniversary of the horrific shooting in Buffalo by writing an op-ed in USA Today. He also tweeted, “One year ago, evil came to Buffalo – manifested in a gunman who massacred people in service of hate. Today, we remember the ten lives senselessly... Continue »
El presidente Joe Biden anunció sus intenciones de buscar la reelección en 2024 a escasos días de que su gobierno ponga fin al Título 42 en la frontera, la medida sanitaria que se invocó en medio de la pandemia del Covid-19 durante el gobierno de Donald Trump, permitiendo la... Continue »
The Biden administration this week officially released its proposed rule expanding the Affordable Care Act (ACA) eligibility to include current Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipients. The decision makes public health policy sense, because a healthier community means a healthier nation. It also acknowledges what we all know... Continue »
The Biden Administration has announced that it is moving forward with a proposed asylum ban. The proposed asylum ban would deny asylum to migrants encountered along the U.S. – Mexico border who transited through a country without seeking asylum there first. It is a policy similar to ones that... Continue »
Mientras los presidentes de Estados Unidos y México, Joe Biden y Andrés Manuel López Obrador, respectivamente, sostenían su segunda reunión en la Casa Blanca para discutir temas vitales de las relaciones bilaterales, hay asuntos que siguen en el tintero. Y seguirán ahí, tal como en administraciones previas y a... Continue »
Washington, DC – As in-country armed conflict continues and Cameroonians deported from the United States face human rights abuses upon their return, the Biden-Harris Administration continues to fail to issue Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for Cameroon.  Today, at a rally outside the White House scheduled for 11 AM, a #TPS4Cameroon... Continue »
Washington, DC – Below is a column by Maribel Hastings and David Torres from America’s Voice en Español translated to English from Spanish.  Wednesday, February 2, marks the first anniversary of President Biden’s executive order to develop a regional plan addressing the root causes of migration from Central America,... Continue »
Despite deteriorating country conditions, Biden responsible for deportation flights to Haiti at a rate of one every other day during his first year in office A new piece in TIME highlights the destabilizing impact of ongoing deportations to Haiti as the nation grapples with compounding crises. Quoting leading Haitian-American... Continue »
Washington, DC – Tomorrow is the one-year anniversary of an Executive Order from President Biden that aimed to develop a “multi-pronged approach toward managing migration throughout North and Central America that reflects the Nation’s highest values” and ultimately “foster sustainable societies” throughout the Northern Triangle. Just last week, Vice... Continue »