Title 42 is an ineffective policy with nothing to do with public health and everything to do with preventing asylum seekers from having meritorious asylum cases heard in a U.S. court. It raises serious issues of racism and discrimination in its application, and this humanitarian disaster, imposed by Donald... Continue »
De cara a los comicios intermedios en noviembre de este año y con la mira puesta en las elecciones generales de 2024, los demócratas tienen una dura tarea por delante para tratar de entusiasmar a los votantes que componen su base. Esto es en gran medida porque el impacto... Continue »
This morning, the House of Representatives passed the Build Back Better Act with significant immigration reform provisions. This bill provides work permits for an estimated 7.1 million undocumented immigrants that have been  in the U.S. for decades it allows them to travel outside the U.S. and also protects them... Continue »
Washington, DC – As the pressure mounts for Democrats to pass the Build Back Better bill – legislation that includes immigration reform measures – Jess Morales Rocketto of the National Domestic Worker Alliance and Alida Garcia of FWD.us appeared on MSNBC Sunday night with Alicia Menendez to make a... Continue »
“Enough already with the drama and delays. It’s time for Democrats to deliver on their promises. Modernizing our immigration system is one of them.” Washington, DC – As a whirlwind of hot takes and bad exit polls swirl, we can all agree on one thing: Democrats’ political prospects will... Continue »
By Andrea Fatima Rojas The Senate Parliamentarian has been front and center in the fight for immigration reform in 2021. While not publicly visible, she has played a major role in determining the future of 11 million undocumented immigrants living in the U.S..  WHAT IS THE SENATE PARLIMENTARIAN? The... Continue »
With Democrats controlling Congress and the White House, Americans expect Democrats to deliver on just immigration policies, Senator Harry Reid argues in a recent piece in The Hill.  The former Senate Majority Leader notes that his 2010 reelection proved that Democrats can fight and win on immigration. In that... Continue »
A link to the recording can be found here. Washington, DC- Today, advocates and activists who mobilize immigrant, Black, Latino, Labor and progressive voters in key battleground states gathered on a press call to urge Democrats to keep fighting and win legalization for immigrants because of its impact on... Continue »
Affected individuals and their allies are reacting to the Senate parliamentarian’s latest opinion opposing citizenship for immigrants with a clear message: Democrats need to find a way to use their power to deliver on the immigration reforms they promised. Meanwhile, key experts and outside voices are highlighting the potential... Continue »
Immigration polling from America's Voice.
Frank Sharry: “Whether through or around the parliamentarian, Democrats need to keep their promise to deliver on citizenship.” Washington, DC – New bipartisan battleground state and district polling finds overwhelming support for delivering a pathway to citizenship in the budget reconciliation process. The polling was conducted for the American... Continue »